CHEAT: stays in the default value if cheats are not disabled REQUIRE_NET_SYNC: cannot be changed on client and when connecting itīs sent to the client SAVEGAME: stored when saving a savegame READONLY: can not be changed by the user ------------------------- Command: _TestFormatMessage script: help: Command: ag_reload_ag script: help: Command: ag_reload_xml script: help: Command: ag_step script: help: Command: ag_testplanner script: help: Command: ai_CalcHumanMovementTable script: help: Command: ai_ReadabilityReload script: help: Reloads readability xml files. Command: ai_ReadabilityTest script: help: Tests the readability pack of specified entity. If no readability name is specified all readabilities will be played. Usage: ai_ReadabilityTest [readability name] - to play a readability ai_ReadabilityTest stop - to stop the currently playing readability set. Command: ai_ReloadLookUp script: help: Reloads perception distance scale look-up xml files. Command: ban script: help: Bans player for 30 minutes from server. Command: ban_remove script: help: Removes player from ban list. Command: ban_status script: help: Shows currently banned players. Command: Bind script: help: Command: connect RESTRICTEDMODE script: help: Start a client and connect to a server Command: connect_crynet script: help: Connect to online game server Command: ConsoleHide script: help: Command: ConsoleShow script: help: Command: demo script: help: Plays a time demo from file. Usage: demo demoname Command: demo_StartDemoChain script: help: Load`s a file at 1st argument with the list of levels and play time demo on each Command: disconnect script: help: Stop a game (or a client or a server) Command: ds_Dump script: help: Command: ds_DumpSessions script: help: Command: ds_Reload script: help: Command: dump_action_maps script: help: Command: dump_maps script: help: Dumps currently scanned maps Command: dump_stats script: help: Dumps some player statistics Command: DumpCommandsVars script: help: This console command dumps all console variables and commands to disk DumpCommandsVars [prefix] Command: dumpnt script: help: Dump ItemString table. Command: dumpss script: help: test synched storage. Command: e_reloadSurfaces script: help: Command: eqp_DumpPacks script: help: Command: es_compile_area_grid script: help: Trigger a recompile of the area grid Command: es_dump_entities script: help: Dumps current entities and their states! Command: es_dump_entity_classes_in_use script: help: Dumps all used entity classes Command: exec script: help: executes a batch file of console commands Command: fg_InspectAction script: help: Inspects the specified AIAction graph Command: fg_InspectEntity script: help: Inspects the specified Entity graph Command: fg_Inspector script: help: Toggles FlowGraph System DefaultInspector. Usage: fg_Inspector [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Command: freeze script: g_gameRules:SetFrozenAmount(g_localActor,1) help: Freezes player Command: g_battleDust_reload script: help: Reload the battle dust parameters xml Command: g_dump_stats script: help: Command: g_loadMod script: help: Command: g_nextlevel script: help: Switch to next level in rotation or restart current one. Command: g_quickGame script: help: Quick connect to good server. Command: g_quickGameStop script: help: Cancel quick game search. Command: g_reloadGameRules script: help: Reload GameRules script Command: gamedata_playback script: help: Command: gamedata_record script: help: Command: gamedata_stop_record_or_playback script: help: Command: goto script: g_localActor:SetWorldPos({x=%1, y=%2, z=%3}) help: Sets current player position. Command: gotoe script: local e=System.GetEntityByName(%1); if (e) then g_localActor:SetWorldPos(e:GetWorldPos()); end help: Sets current player position. Command: http_startserver script: help: Starts an HTTP server Command: http_stopserver script: help: Stops an HTTP server Command: i_giveallitems script: help: Gives all available items to the player! Command: i_givedebugitems script: help: Gives special debug items to the player! Command: i_giveitem script: help: Gives specified item to the player! Command: i_reload script: help: Reloads item scripts. Command: join_game RESTRICTEDMODE script: help: Enter the current ongoing game. Command: kick script: help: Kicks player from game Command: kickid script: help: Kicks player from game Command: kill RESTRICTEDMODE script: help: Kills the player. Command: lastinv script: help: Selects last inventory item used. Command: load RESTRICTEDMODE script: help: Load game Command: loadactionmap script: help: Loads a key configuration file Command: LoadConfig script: help: Load .cfg file from disk (from the Game/Config directory) e.g. LoadConfig lowspec.cfg Usage: LoadConfig Command: loadLastSave script: help: Loads the last savegame if available. Command: login script: help: Log in as to CryNetwork using nickname and password as arguments Command: login_profile script: help: Log in as to CryNetwork using email, profile and password as arguments Command: lua_debugger_show script: help: Command: lua_dump_state script: help: Command: map script: help: Load a map Command: mfx_Reload script: help: Reload MFX Spreadsheet Command: mfx_ReloadFGEffects script: help: Reload MaterialEffect's FlowGraphs Command: name RESTRICTEDMODE script: help: Sets player name. Command: net_check_for_patch script: help: Check whether a patch is available for download Command: net_download_patch script: help: If patch available, starts it downloading Command: net_dump_object_state script: help: Command: net_install_patch script: help: Quits Crysis and installs a downloaded patch Command: net_next_map script: help: Notify clients of the next map to play Command: net_pb_cl_enable script: help: Sets PunkBuster client enabled state Command: net_pb_sv_enable script: help: Sets PunkBuster server enabled state Command: net_set_cdkey DUMPTODISK script: help: Command: open_url script: help: Command: play script: help: Play back a recorded game Command: preloadforstats script: PreloadForStats() help: Preload multiplayer assets for memory statistics. Command: quit RESTRICTEDMODE script: System.Quit() help: Quits the game Command: r_debug_renderer_set_eye_pos script: help: Command: r_debug_renderer_show_window script: help: Command: r_FixMaterials script: help: Command: r_MergeShaders script: help: Command: r_OptimiseShaders script: help: Command: r_PrecacheShaderList script: help: Command: r_PrecacheShaders script: help: Command: rcon_command script: help: Issues a console command from a RCON client to a RCON server Command: rcon_connect script: help: Connects to a remote control server Command: rcon_disconnect script: help: Disconnects from a remote control server Command: rcon_startserver script: help: Starts a remote control server Command: rcon_stopserver script: help: Stops a remote control server Command: record script: help: Starts recording of a time demo. Usage: record demoname File 'demoname.tmd' will be created. Command: ReloadDialogData script: help: Command: restartgame script: help: Restarts Crysis completely. Command: save RESTRICTEDMODE script: help: Save game Command: save_genstrings script: help: Command: SaveLevelStats script: help: Calling this command creates multiple XML files with level statistics. The data includes file usage, dependencies, size in more/disk. The files can be loaded in Excel. Command: Screenshot script: help: Create a screenshot with annotation e.g. Screenshot beach scene with shark Usage: Screenshot Command: spectator script: help: Sets the player as a spectator. Command: startKickVoting RESTRICTEDMODE script: help: Initiate voting. Command: startNextMapVoting RESTRICTEDMODE script: help: Initiate voting. Command: status script: help: Shows connection status Command: stopdemo script: help: Stop playing a time demo. Command: stoprecording script: help: Stops recording of a time demo. Usage: stoprecording File 'demoname.?' will be saved. Command: sv_restart script: help: Restarts the round. Command: sv_say script: help: Broadcasts a message to all clients. Command: sys_LvlRes_finalstep script: help: to combine all recorded level resources and create finial stripped build Command: sys_LvlRes_findunused script: help: find unused level resources Command: sys_RestoreSpec script: help: Restore or test the cvar settings of game specific spec settings, 'test*' and 'info' log to the log file only Usage: sys_RestoreSpec [test|test*|apply|info] Command: team RESTRICTEDMODE script: help: Sets player team. Command: test_nsbrowse script: help: Command: test_nschat script: help: Command: test_nsnat script: help: Command: test_nsreport script: help: Command: test_nsstats script: help: Command: test_playersBounds script: help: Command: test_profile script: help: Command: test_reset script: help: Command: test_timeout script: help: Command: unload script: help: Unload current map Command: v_exit_player script: help: Makes the local player exit his current vehicle. Command: v_kill script: help: Kills the players vehicle. Command: v_reload_system script: VehicleSystem.ReloadVehicleSystem() help: Reloads VehicleSystem script Command: v_tpvDist script: VehicleSystem.SetTpvDistance(%1) help: Set default distance for vehicle thirdperson cam (0 means distance from vehicle class is used) Command: v_tpvHeight script: VehicleSystem.SetTpvHeight(%1) help: Set default height offset for vehicle thirdperson cam (0 means height from vehicle class is used, if present) Command: viewnote script: help: View Note Command: voice_mute script: help: Mute player's voice comms Command: vote RESTRICTEDMODE script: help: Vote on current topic. variable: aa_maxDist type: float current: 10 help: max lock distance variable: ac_animErrorClamp type: int current: 1 help: Forces the animation to stay within the maximum error distance/angle. variable: ac_animErrorMaxAngle type: float current: 45 help: Degrees animation orientation is allowed to stray from entity. variable: ac_animErrorMaxDistance type: float current: 0.5 help: Meters animation location is allowed to stray from entity. variable: ac_clampTimeAnimation type: float current: 0.3 help: Time it takes for carry clamping to reduce the deviation to zero. variable: ac_clampTimeEntity type: float current: 0.7 help: Time it takes for carry clamping to reduce the deviation to zero. variable: ac_ColliderModeAI type: int current: 0 help: Force override collider mode for all AI. variable: ac_ColliderModePlayer type: int current: 0 help: Force override collider mode for all players. variable: ac_debugAnimEffects type: int current: 0 help: Print log messages when anim events spawn effects. variable: ac_debugAnimError type: int current: 0 help: Display debug history graphs of anim error distance and angle. variable: ac_debugAnimTarget type: int current: 0 help: Display debug history graphs of anim target correction. variable: ac_debugCarryCorrection type: int current: 0 help: . variable: ac_debugColliderMode type: int current: 0 help: Display filtered and requested collider modes. variable: ac_debugEntityParams type: int current: 0 help: Display entity params graphs variable: ac_DebugFilter type: string current: 0 help: Debug specified entity name only. variable: ac_debugFutureAnimPath type: int current: 0 help: Display future animation path given current motion parameters. variable: ac_debugLocations type: int current: 0 help: Debug render entity (blue), animation (red) and prediction (yellow). variable: ac_debugLocationsGraphs type: int current: 0 help: Display debug history graphs of anim and entity locations and movement. variable: ac_debugMotionParams type: int current: 0 help: Display graph of motion parameters. variable: ac_debugMovementControlMethods type: int current: 0 help: Display movement control methods. variable: ac_debugPrediction type: int current: 0 help: Display graph of motion parameters. variable: ac_debugSelection type: int current: 0 help: Display locomotion state selection as text. variable: ac_debugSelectionParams type: int current: 0 help: Display graph of selection parameters values. variable: ac_debugText type: int current: 0 help: Display entity/animation location/movement values, etc. variable: ac_debugTweakTrajectoryFit type: int current: 0 help: Don't apply any movement to entity and animation, but allow calculations to think they are moving normally. variable: ac_debugXXXValues type: int current: 0 help: Display some values temporarily hooked into temp history graphs. variable: ac_disableFancyTransitions type: int current: 0 help: Disabled Idle2Move and Move2Idle special transition animations. variable: ac_disableSlidingContactEvents type: int current: 0 help: Force disable sliding contact events. variable: ac_enableExtraSolidCollider type: int current: 0 help: Enable extra solid collider (for non-pushable characters). variable: ac_enableProceduralLeaning type: float current: 1 help: Enable procedural leaning (disabled asset leaning and curving slowdown). variable: ac_entityAnimClamp type: int current: 1 help: Forces the entity movement to be limited by animation. variable: ac_forceSimpleMovement type: int current: 0 help: Force enable simplified movement (not visible, dedicated server, etc). variable: ac_frametime type: int current: 0 help: Display a graph of the frametime. variable: ac_movementControlMethodFilter type: int current: 0 help: Force reinterprets Decoupled/CatchUp MCM specified by AG as Entity MCM (H/V overrides override this). variable: ac_movementControlMethodHor type: int current: 0 help: Overrides the horizontal movement control method specified by AG (overrides filter). variable: ac_movementControlMethodVer type: int current: 0 help: Overrides the vertical movement control method specified by AG (overrides filter). variable: ac_predictionProbabilityOri type: float current: -1 help: . variable: ac_predictionProbabilityPos type: float current: -1 help: . variable: ac_predictionSmoothingOri type: float current: 0 help: . variable: ac_predictionSmoothingPos type: float current: 0 help: . variable: ac_targetcorrectiontimescale type: float current: 4 help: . variable: ac_templateMCMs type: int current: 1 help: Use MCMs from AG state templates instead of AG state headers. variable: ac_triggercorrectiontimescale type: float current: 0.5 help: . variable: ag_action type: string current: help: Force this action variable: ag_adjustToCatchUp type: int current: 0 help: Adjust requested move direction of animation to catch up with entity variable: ag_averageTravelSpeed type: int current: 0 help: Average travel speed over a few frames variable: ag_breakmode type: int current: 0 help: 1=Enable debug break mode; 2=also lock inputs variable: ag_breakOnQuery type: string current: help: If we query for this state, enter break mode variable: ag_debug type: string current: help: Entity to display debug information for animation graph for variable: ag_debugErrors type: int current: 0 help: Displays debug error info on the entities (0/1) variable: ag_debugExactPos type: int current: 0 help: Enable/disable exact positioning debugger variable: ag_debugLayer type: int current: 0 help: Animation graph layer to display debug information for variable: ag_debugMusic type: int current: 0 help: Debug the music graph variable: ag_drawActorPos type: int current: 0 help: Draw actor pos/dir variable: ag_ep_correctMovement type: int current: 1 help: enable/disable position correction in exact positioning variable: ag_ep_showPath type: int current: 0 help: variable: ag_forceAdjust type: int current: 0 help: Enable forced small step adjustments variable: ag_forceInsideErrorDisc type: int current: 1 help: Force animation to stay within maximum error distance variable: ag_fpAnimPop DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: variable: ag_humanBlending type: int current: 0 help: Ivo's debug stuff. Don't ask! variable: ag_item type: string current: help: Force this item variable: ag_lockToEntity type: int current: 0 help: Lock animation to entity (zero offsetting) variable: ag_log type: int current: 0 help: Enable a log of animation graph decisions variable: ag_log_entity type: string current: help: Log only this entity variable: ag_logeffects type: int current: 0 help: AGAttachmentEffect logging variable: ag_logselections type: int current: 0 help: Log animation graph selection results variable: ag_logsounds type: int current: 0 help: AGSound logging variable: ag_logtransitions type: int current: 0 help: Log animation graph transition calls to the console variable: ag_measureActualSpeeds type: int current: 0 help: Measure actual travel speeds of entity and animation origins variable: ag_physErrorInnerRadiusFactor DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.05 help: variable: ag_physErrorMaxOuterRadius DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.5 help: variable: ag_physErrorMinOuterRadius DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.2 help: variable: ag_physErrorOuterRadiusFactor DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.2 help: variable: ag_queue type: string current: help: Next state to force variable: ag_safeExactPositioning type: int current: 1 help: Will teleport the entity to the requested position/orientation when EP think it's done. variable: ag_showmovement type: int current: 0 help: Show movement requests variable: ag_showPhysSync type: int current: 0 help: Show physics sync variable: ag_signal type: string current: help: Send this signal variable: ag_stance type: string current: help: Force this stance variable: ai_AdjustPathsAroundDynamicObstacles type: int current: 1 help: Set to 1/0 to enable/disable AI path adjustment around dynamic obstacles variable: ai_AgentStatsDist DUMPTODISK type: int current: 150 help: Sets agent statistics draw distance, such as current goalpipe, command and target. Usage: ai_AgentStatsDist [view distance] Default is 20 meters. Works with ai_DebugDraw enabled. variable: ai_AllowAccuracyDecrease SAVEGAME type: int current: 1 help: Set to 1 to enable AI accuracy decrease when target is moving lateraly. variable: ai_AllowAccuracyIncrease SAVEGAME type: int current: 0 help: Set to 1 to enable AI accuracy increase when target is standing still. variable: ai_AllTime type: int current: 0 help: Displays the update times of all agents, in milliseconds. Usage: ai_AllTime [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Times all agents and displays the time used updating each of them. The name is colour coded to represent the update time. Green: less than 1 ms (ok) White: 1 ms to 5 ms Red: more than 5 ms You must enable ai_DebugDraw before you can use this tool. variable: ai_AmbientFireQuota DUMPTODISK type: int current: 2 help: Number of units allowed to hit the player at a time. variable: ai_AmbientFireUpdateInterval DUMPTODISK type: float current: 2 help: Ambient fire update interval. Controls how often puppet's ambient fire status is updated. variable: ai_AttemptStraightPath type: int current: 1 help: Toggles AI attempting a simple straight path when possible. Default is 1 (on). variable: ai_Autobalance type: int current: 0 help: Set to 1 to enable autobalancing. variable: ai_BannedNavSoTime DUMPTODISK type: float current: 20 help: Time indicating how long invalid navsos should be banned. variable: ai_BeautifyPath type: int current: 1 help: Toggles AI optimisation of the generated path. Usage: ai_BeautifyPath [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Optimisation is on by default. Set to 0 to disable path optimisation (AI uses non-optimised path). variable: ai_BigBrushCheckLimitSize DUMPTODISK type: float current: 15 help: to be used for finding big objects not enclosed into forbidden areas variable: ai_CloakIncrementMod DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: how fast cloak fades out variable: ai_CloakMaxDist DUMPTODISK type: float current: 5 help: closer than that - cloak starts to fade out variable: ai_CloakMinDist DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: closer than that - cloak not effective variable: ai_CrowdControlInPathfind type: int current: 1 help: Toggles AI using crowd control in pathfinding. Usage: ai_CrowdControlInPathfind [0/1] Default is 1 (on). variable: ai_DebugDraw DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Toggles the AI debugging view. Usage: ai_DebugDraw [0/1] Default is 0 (off). ai_DebugDraw displays AI rays and targets and enables the view for other AI debugging tools. variable: ai_DebugDrawAdaptiveUrgency DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enables drawing the adaptive movement urgency. variable: ai_DebugDrawAmbientFire DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Displays fire quota on puppets. variable: ai_DebugDrawAStarOpenList DUMPTODISK type: string current: 0 help: Draws the A* open list for the specified AI agent. Usage: ai_DebugDrawAStarOpenList [AI agent name] Default is 0, which disables the debug draw. Requires ai_DebugPathfinding=1 to be activated. variable: ai_DebugDrawBannedNavsos type: int current: 0 help: Toggles drawing banned navsos [default 0 is off] variable: ai_DebugDrawBulletEvents DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Debug draw the bullet events the AI system processes. 0=disable, 1=enable. variable: ai_DebugDrawCollisionEvents DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Debug draw the collision events the AI system processes. 0=disable, 1=enable. variable: ai_DebugDrawCrowdControl type: int current: 0 help: Draws crowd control debug information. 0=off, 1=on variable: ai_DebugDrawDamageControl DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Debugs the damage control system 0=disabled, 1=collect, 2=collect&draw. variable: ai_DebugDrawDamageParts DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws the damage parts of puppets and vehicles. variable: ai_DebugDrawDeadBodies DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws the location of dead bodies to avoid during pathfinding (needs ai_DebugDraw > 0). variable: ai_DebugDrawDynamicHideObjectsRange DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Sets the range for drawing dynamic hide objects around the player (needs ai_DebugDraw > 0). variable: ai_DebugDrawExpensiveAccessoryQuota DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Displays expensive accessory usage quota on puppets. variable: ai_DebugDrawGrenadeEvents DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Debug draw the grenade events the AI system processes. 0=disable, 1=enable. variable: ai_DebugDrawHashSpaceAround DUMPTODISK type: string current: 0 help: Validates and draws the navigation node hash space around specified entity. variable: ai_DebugDrawHidespotRange DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Sets the range for drawing hidespots around the player (needs ai_DebugDraw > 0). variable: ai_DebugDrawLightLevel DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Debug AI light level manager variable: ai_DebugDrawObstrSpheres DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws all the existing obstruction spheres. variable: ai_DebugDrawPlayerActions DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Debug draw special player actions. variable: ai_DebugDrawReinforcements DUMPTODISK type: int current: -1 help: Enables debug draw for reinforcement logic for specified group. Usage: ai_DebugDrawReinforcements , or -1 to disable. variable: ai_DebugDrawSoundEvents DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Debug draw the sound events the AI system processes. 0=disable, 1=enable. variable: ai_DebugDrawStanceSize DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws the game logic representation of the stance size of the AI agents. variable: ai_DebugDrawVegetationCollisionDist DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enables drawing vegetation collision closer than a distance projected onto the terrain. variable: ai_DebugDrawVolumeVoxels DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Toggles the AI debugging drawing of voxels in volume generation. Usage: ai_DebugDrawVolumeVoxels [0, 1, 2 etc] Default is 0 (off) +n draws all voxels with original value >= n-n draws all voxels with original value = n variable: ai_DebugInterestSystem DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Display debugging information on interest system variable: ai_DebugPathfinding type: int current: 0 help: Toggles output of pathfinding information [default 0 is off] variable: ai_DebugTargetSilhouette DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws the silhouette used for missing the target while shooting. variable: ai_DrawagentFOV type: float current: 0 help: Toggles the vision cone of the AI agent. Usage: ai_DrawagentFOV [0..1] Default is 0 (off), value 1 will draw the cone all the way to the sight range, value 0.1 will draw the cone to distance of 10% of the sight range, etc. ai_DebugDraw must be enabled before this tool can be used. variable: ai_DrawAreas DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enables/Disables drawing behavior related areas. variable: ai_DrawBadAnchors DUMPTODISK type: int current: -1 help: Toggles drawing out of bounds AI objects of particular type for debugging AI. variable: ai_DrawDistanceLUT type: int current: 0 help: Draws the distance lookup table graph overlay. variable: ai_DrawExplosions DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: enable displaying all the registered explosion-spots/craters variable: ai_DrawFakeDamageInd DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws fake damage indicators on the player. variable: ai_DrawFakeHitEffects DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws fake hit effects the player. variable: ai_DrawFakeTracers DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws fake tracers around the player. variable: ai_DrawFormations DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws all the currently active formations of the AI agents. Usage: ai_DrawFormations [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to draw the AI formations. variable: ai_DrawGetEnclosingFailures DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0 help: Set to the number of seconds you want GetEnclosing() failures visualized. Set to 0 to turn visualization off. variable: ai_DrawGoals DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws all the active goal ops debug info. Usage: ai_DrawGoals [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to draw the AI goal op debug info. variable: ai_DrawGroup DUMPTODISK type: int current: -2 help: draw groups: positive value - group ID to draw; -1 - all groups; -2 - nothing variable: ai_DrawGroupTactic DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: draw group tactic: 0 = disabled, 1 = draw simple, 2 = draw complex. variable: ai_DrawHidespots DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws latest hide-spot positions for all agents withing specified range. variable: ai_DrawModifiers type: int current: 0 help: Toggles the AI debugging view of navigation modifiers. variable: ai_DrawNode DUMPTODISK type: string current: none help: Toggles visibility of named agent's position on AI triangulation. Usage: ai_DrawNode [ai agent's name] Default is 0. Set to 1 to show the current triangle on terrain level and closest vertex to player. variable: ai_DrawNodeLinkCutoff type: float current: 0 help: Sets the link cutoff value in ai_DrawNodeLinkType. If the link value is more than ai_DrawNodeLinkCutoff the number gets displayed in green, otherwise red. variable: ai_DrawNodeLinkType type: int current: 0 help: Sets the link parameter to draw with ai_DrawNode. Values are: 0 - pass radius (default) 1 - exposure 2 - water max depth 3 - water min depth variable: ai_DrawOffset type: float current: 0.1 help: vertical offset during debug drawing variable: ai_DrawPath DUMPTODISK type: string current: none help: Draws the generated paths of the AI agents. Usage: ai_DrawPath [name] Default is none (nobody). variable: ai_DrawPathAdjustment DUMPTODISK type: string current: none help: Draws the path adjustment for the AI agents. Usage: ai_DrawPathAdjustment [name] Default is none (nobody). variable: ai_DrawPatterns DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws all the currently active track patterns of the AI agents. Usage: ai_DrawPatterns [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to draw the AI track patterns. variable: ai_DrawProbableTarget DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enables/Disables drawing the position of probable target. variable: ai_DrawRadar DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws AI radar: 0=no radar, >0 = size of the radar on screen variable: ai_DrawRadarDist DUMPTODISK type: int current: 20 help: AI radar draw distance in meters, default=20m. variable: ai_DrawReadibilities DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws all the currently active readibilities of the AI agents. Usage: ai_DrawReadibilities [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to draw the AI readibilities. variable: ai_DrawRefPoints DUMPTODISK type: string current: help: Toggles reference points view for debugging AI. Usage: ai_DrawRefPoints [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Indicates the AI reference points by drawing cyan balls at their positions. variable: ai_DrawShooting type: string current: none help: Name of puppet to show fire stats variable: ai_DrawSmartObjects DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draws smart object debug information. Usage: ai_DrawSmartObjects [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to draw the smart objects. variable: ai_DrawStats DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Toggles drawing stats for AI objects withing range. variable: ai_DrawTargets DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: variable: ai_DrawTrajectory DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Records and draws the trajectory of the stats target: 0=do not record, 1=record. variable: ai_DrawType DUMPTODISK type: int current: -1 help: Toggles drawing AI objects of particular type for debugging AI. variable: ai_DrawUpdate DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: list of AI forceUpdated entities variable: ai_DrawVisCheckQueue DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: list of pending vis-check trace requests variable: ai_DynamicTriangularUpdateTime type: float current: 0.002 help: How long (max) to spend updating triangular waypoint regions per AI update (in sec) 0 disables dynamic updates. 0.002 is a sensible value variable: ai_DynamicVolumeUpdateTime type: float current: 0.001 help: How long (max) to spend updating dynamic volume regions per AI update (in sec) 0 disables dynamic updates. 0.002 is a sensible value variable: ai_DynamicWaypointUpdateTime type: float current: 0.0005 help: How long (max) to spend updating dynamic waypoint regions per AI update (in sec) 0 disables dynamic updates. 0.0005 is a sensible value variable: ai_EnableAsserts DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enable AI asserts: 1 or 0 variable: ai_EnableWarningsErrors DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Enable AI warnings and errors: 1 or 0 variable: ai_ExtraForbiddenRadiusDuringBeautification type: float current: 1 help: Extra radius added to agents close to forbidden edges during beautification. variable: ai_ExtraRadiusDuringBeautification type: float current: 0.2 help: Extra radius added to agents during beautification. variable: ai_ExtraVehicleAvoidanceRadiusBig DUMPTODISK type: float current: 4 help: Value in meters to be added to a big obstacle's own size while computing obstacle size for purposes of vehicle steering.See also ai_ObstacleSizeThreshold. variable: ai_ExtraVehicleAvoidanceRadiusSmall DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.5 help: Value in meters to be added to a big obstacle's own size while computing obstacle size for purposes of vehicle steering.See also ai_ObstacleSizeThreshold. variable: ai_ForceAllowStrafing type: int current: -1 help: Forces all AI characters to use/not use strafing (-1 disables) variable: ai_ForceLookAimTarget type: string current: none help: Forces all AI characters to use/not use a fixed look/aim target none disables x, y, xz or yz sets it to the appropriate direction otherwise it forces looking/aiming at the entity with this name (no name -> (0, 0, 0)) variable: ai_ForceStance type: int current: -1 help: Forces all AI characters to specified stance: disable = -1, stand = 0, crouch = 1, prone = 2, relaxed = 3, stealth = 4, swim = 5, zero-g = 6 variable: ai_HideDraw type: int current: 0 help: Toggles the triangulation display. Usage: ai_HideDraw [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to display the triangulation which the AI uses to hide (objects made 'hideable' affect AI triangulation). When ai_HideDraw is off, the normal obstacle triangulation is displayed instead. Used with ai_DebugDraw and other AI path tools. variable: ai_IgnorePlayer type: int current: 0 help: Makes AI ignore the player. Usage: ai_IgnorePlayer [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to make AI ignore the player. Used with ai_DebugDraw enabled. variable: ai_IgnoreVisibilityChecks type: int current: 0 help: Makes certain visibility checks (for teleporting etc) return false. variable: ai_IncludeNonColEntitiesInNavigation type: int current: 1 help: Includes/Excludes noncolliding objects from navigation. variable: ai_InterestDetectMovement DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enable movement detection in interest system variable: ai_InterestEnableScan DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enable interest system scan mode variable: ai_InterestScalingAmbient DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: Scale the interest value given to Ambient interest items (e.g. static/passive objects) variable: ai_InterestScalingEyeCatching DUMPTODISK type: float current: 14 help: Scale the interest value given to Eye Catching interest items (e.g. moving vehicles, birds, people) variable: ai_InterestScalingMovement DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: Scale the interest value given to Pure Movement interest items (e.g. something rolling, falling, swinging) variable: ai_InterestScalingScan DUMPTODISK type: float current: 50 help: Scale the interest value given to passively scanning the environment variable: ai_InterestScalingView DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: Scale the interest value given to View interest items (e.g. a pretty castle, the horizon) variable: ai_InterestSwitchBoost DUMPTODISK type: float current: 2 help: Multipler applied when we switch to an interest item; higher values maintain interest for longer (always > 1) variable: ai_InterestSystem DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enable interest system variable: ai_Locate DUMPTODISK type: string current: none help: variable: ai_LogConsoleVerbosity DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: None = 0, progress = 1, event = 2, comment = 3 variable: ai_LogFileVerbosity DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: None = 0, progress = 1, event = 2, comment = 3 variable: ai_LogSignals type: int current: 0 help: Maximum radius at which player can interact with other entities variable: ai_MaxSignalDuration type: float current: 3 help: Maximum radius at which player can interact with other entities variable: ai_MaxVisRaysPerFrame type: int current: 100 help: Maximum allowed visibility rays per frame - the rest are all assumed to succeed Usage: ai_MaxVisRaysPerFrame Default is 100. variable: ai_MovementSpeedDarkIllumMod SAVEGAME type: float current: 0.6 help: Multiplier for movement speed when the target is in dark light condition. variable: ai_MovementSpeedMediumIllumMod SAVEGAME type: float current: 0.8 help: Multiplier for movement speed when the target is in medium light condition. variable: ai_NoUpdate type: int current: 0 help: variable: ai_ObstacleSizeThreshold DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1.2 help: Obstacle size in meters that differentiates small obstacles from big ones so that vehicles can ignore the small ones variable: ai_OverlayMessageDuration DUMPTODISK type: float current: 5 help: How long (seconds) to overlay AI warnings/errors variable: ai_PathfinderUpdateTime type: float current: 0.005 help: Maximum pathfinder time per AI update variable: ai_PathfindTimeLimit type: float current: 2 help: Specifies how many seconds an individual AI can hold the pathfinder blocked Usage: ai_PathfindTimeLimit 1.5 Default is 2. A lower value will result in more path requests that end in NOPATH - although the path may actually exist. variable: ai_PredictivePathFollowing type: int current: 1 help: Sets if AI should use the predictive path following if allowed by the type's config. variable: ai_ProfileGoals type: int current: 0 help: Toggles timing of AI goal execution. Usage: ai_ProfileGoals [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Records the time used for each AI goal (like approach, run or pathfind) to execute. The longest execution time is displayed on screen. Used with ai_DebugDraw enabled. variable: ai_ProtoROD DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Proto variable: ai_ProtoRODAffectMove DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Proto variable: ai_ProtoRODAliveTime DUMPTODISK type: float current: 10 help: Proto variable: ai_ProtoRODFireRange DUMPTODISK type: float current: 35 help: Proto variable: ai_ProtoRODGrenades DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Proto variable: ai_ProtoRODHealthGraph DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Proto variable: ai_ProtoRODLogScale DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Proto variable: ai_ProtoRODReactionTime DUMPTODISK type: float current: 2 help: Proto variable: ai_ProtoRODRegenTime DUMPTODISK type: float current: 8 help: Proto variable: ai_ProtoRODSilhuette DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Proto variable: ai_ProtoRODSpeedMod DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Proto variable: ai_PuppetDirSpeedControl type: int current: 1 help: Does puppet speed control based on their current move dir variable: ai_RadiusForAutoForbidden type: float current: 1 help: If object/vegetation radius is more than this then an automatic forbidden area is created during triangulation. variable: ai_Recorder DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enables AI debug recording variable: ai_Recorder_Buffer DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1024 help: Set the size of the AI debug recording buffer variable: ai_RecordFilter DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: variable: ai_RecordLog DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: log all the AI state changes on stats_target variable: ai_RODAliveTime DUMPTODISK type: float current: 6 help: The base level time the player can survive under fire. variable: ai_RODAmbientFireInc DUMPTODISK type: float current: 3 help: Increment for the alive time when the target is within the kill-zone of the target. variable: ai_RODCombatRangeMod DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.55 help: Combat-zone distance = attackRange * combatRangeMod. variable: ai_RODCoverFireTimeMod DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: Multiplier for cover fire times set in weapon descriptor. variable: ai_RODDirInc DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0 help: Increment how the orientation of the target affects the alive time. 0=disable variable: ai_RODKillRangeMod DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.15 help: Kill-zone distance = attackRange * killRangeMod. variable: ai_RODKillZoneInc DUMPTODISK type: float current: -4 help: Increment how the target is within the kill-zone of the target. variable: ai_RODLowHealthMercyTime DUMPTODISK type: float current: 4 help: The amount of time the AI will not hit the target when the target crosses the low health threshold. variable: ai_RODMoveInc DUMPTODISK type: float current: 3 help: Increment how the speed of the target affects the alive time (the value is doubled for supersprint). 0=disable variable: ai_RODReactionDarkIllumInc DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.3 help: Increase for reaction time when the target is in dark light condition. variable: ai_RODReactionDirInc DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: Increase for the reaction time when the enemy is outside the players FOV or near the edge of the FOV. The increment is doubled when the target is behind the player. variable: ai_RODReactionDistInc DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.1 help: Increase for the reaction time when the target is in combat-far-zone or warn-zone. In warn-zone the increase is doubled. variable: ai_RODReactionLeanInc DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.2 help: Increase to the reaction to when the target is leaning. variable: ai_RODReactionMediumIllumInc DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.2 help: Increase for reaction time when the target is in medium light condition. variable: ai_RODReactionTime DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.2 help: Uses rate of death as damage control method. variable: ai_RODStanceInc DUMPTODISK type: float current: 2 help: Increment how the stance of the target affects the alive time, 0=disable. The base value is for crouch, and it is doubled for prone. The crouch inc is disable in kill-zone and prone in kill and combat-near -zones variable: ai_SightRangeDarkIllumMod SAVEGAME type: float current: 0.5 help: Multiplier for sightrange when the target is in dark light condition. variable: ai_SightRangeMediumIllumMod SAVEGAME type: float current: 0.8 help: Multiplier for sightrange when the target is in medium light condition. variable: ai_SimpleWayptPassability DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Use simplified and faster passability recalculation for human waypoint links where possible. variable: ai_SmartObjectUpdateTime type: float current: 0.002 help: How long (max) to spend updating smart objects per AI update (in sec) default value is 0.002 variable: ai_SOMSpeedCombat SAVEGAME type: float current: 4.5 help: Multiplier for the speed of increase of the Stealth-O-Meter after the AI has seen the enemy. Usage: ai_SOMSpeedCombat 4.5 Default is 4.5. A lower value causes the AI to react to the enemy to more slowly during combat. variable: ai_SOMSpeedRelaxed SAVEGAME type: float current: 1.5 help: Multiplier for the speed of increase of the Stealth-O-Meter before the AI has seen the enemy. Usage: ai_SOMSpeedRelaxed 1.5 Default is 4.5. A lower value causes the AI to react to the enemy to more slowly during combat. variable: ai_SoundPerception type: int current: 1 help: Toggles AI sound perception. Usage: ai_SoundPerception [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Used to prevent AI from hearing sounds for debugging purposes. Works with ai_DebugDraw enabled. variable: ai_StatsTarget DUMPTODISK type: string current: none help: Focus debugging information on a specific AI Usage: ai_StatsTarget AIName Default is 'none'. AIName is the name of the AI on which to focus. variable: ai_SteepSlopeAcrossValue type: float current: 0.6 help: Indicates slope value that is borderline-walkable across. Usage: ai_SteepSlopeAcrossValue 0.8 Default is 0.6 Zero means flat. Infinity means vertical. Set it greater than ai_SteepSlopeUpValue variable: ai_SteepSlopeUpValue type: float current: 1 help: Indicates slope value that is borderline-walkable up. Usage: ai_SteepSlopeUpValue 0.5 Default is 1.0 Zero means flat. Infinity means vertical. Set it smaller than ai_SteepSlopeAcrossValue variable: ai_SystemUpdate type: int current: 1 help: Toggles the regular AI system update. Usage: ai_SystemUpdate [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable ai system updating. variable: ai_ThreadedVolumeNavPreprocess DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Parallelizes volume navigation preprocessing by running it on multiple threads. If you experience freezes during volume nav export or corrupted volume nav data, try turning this off. ;) variable: ai_TickCounter DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enables AI tick counter variable: ai_UpdateAllAlways type: int current: 0 help: If non-zero then over-rides the auto-disabling of invisible/distant AI variable: ai_UpdateInterval type: float current: 0.13 help: In seconds the amount of time between two full updates for AI Usage: ai_UpdateInterval Default is 0.1. Number is time in seconds variable: ai_UpdateProxy type: int current: 1 help: Toggles update of AI proxy (model). Usage: ai_UpdateProxy [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Updates proxy (AI representation in game) set to 0 to disable proxy updating. variable: ai_UseAlternativeReadability SAVEGAME type: int current: 0 help: Switch between normal and alternative SoundPack for AI readability. variable: ai_UseCalculationStopperCounter type: int current: 0 help: Uses a (calibrated) counter instead of time in AI updates variable: ai_UseObjectPosWithExactPos DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Use object position when playing exact positioning. variable: ai_WaterOcclusion DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.5 help: scales how much water hides player from AI variable: aim_assistAimEnabled type: int current: 1 help: Enable/disable aim assitance on aim zooming variable: aim_assistAutoCoeff type: float current: 0.5 help: The scale of auto weapons' aim assistance at continuous fire variable: aim_assistCrosshairDebug type: int current: 0 help: debug crosshair aim assistance variable: aim_assistCrosshairSize type: int current: 25 help: screen size used for crosshair aim assistance variable: aim_assistMaxDistance type: float current: 150 help: The maximum range at which autoaim operates variable: aim_assistRestrictionTimeout type: float current: 20 help: The restriction timeout on aim assistance after user uses a mouse variable: aim_assistSearchBox type: float current: 100 help: The area autoaim looks for enemies within variable: aim_assistSingleCoeff type: float current: 1 help: The scale of single-shot weapons' aim assistance variable: aim_assistSnapDistance type: float current: 3 help: The maximum deviation autoaim is willing to compensate for variable: aim_assistTriggerEnabled type: int current: 1 help: Enable/disable aim assistance on firing the weapon variable: aim_assistVerticalScale type: float current: 0.75 help: The amount of emphasis on vertical correction (the less the number is the more vertical component is compensated) variable: aln_debug_filter type: string current: help: variable: aln_debug_movement type: int current: 0 help: variable: ban_timeout DUMPTODISK type: int current: 30 help: Ban timeout in minutes variable: c_shakeMult type: float current: 1 help: variable: ca_AimIKFadeout type: int current: 1 help: if set to 0, the Aim-IK will not fade out when aiming in extreme directions variable: ca_AnimationsUsageStatistics DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Output animations usage statistics variable: ca_AnimWarningLevel DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: if you set this to 0, there won't be any frequest warnings from the animation system variable: ca_AttachmentCullingRation type: float current: 200 help: ration between size of attachment and distance to camera variable: ca_CharEditModel type: string current: objects/characters/human/story/martin_hawker/CharEdit_MHawker_with_Rifle.cdf help: variable: ca_DeathBlendTime type: float current: 0.3 help: Specifies the blending time between low-detail dead body skeleton and current skeleton variable: ca_DebugAnimUpdates type: int current: 0 help: shows the amount of skeleton-updates variable: ca_DebugAnimUsage type: int current: 0 help: shows what animation assets are used in the level variable: ca_debugCaps type: int current: 0 help: Display current blended motion capabilities. variable: ca_DebugFacial type: int current: 0 help: Debug facial playback info variable: ca_DebugFacialEyes type: int current: 0 help: Debug facial eyes info variable: ca_DebugFootPlants DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: if this is 1, it will print some debug text on the screen variable: ca_DebugModelCache type: int current: 0 help: shows what models are currently loaded variable: ca_DebugSkeletonEffects type: int current: 0 help: If true, dump log messages when skeleton effects are handled. variable: ca_DebugText DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: if this is 1, it will print some debug text on the screen variable: ca_DecalSizeMultiplier type: float current: 1 help: The multiplier for the decal sizes variable: ca_DisableAnimEvents type: int current: 0 help: If this is not 0, then the OnAnimationEvent methods are not called upon animation events variable: ca_DrawAimPoses type: int current: 0 help: draws the wireframe of the aim poses variable: ca_DrawAttachmentOBB type: int current: 0 help: if this is 0, will not draw the attachments objects variable: ca_DrawAttachments type: int current: 1 help: if this is 0, will not draw the attachments objects variable: ca_DrawBBox type: int current: 0 help: if set to 1, the own bounding box of the character is drawn variable: ca_DrawBinormals type: int current: 0 help: draws the binormals of the rendered character variable: ca_DrawBodyMoveDir type: int current: 0 help: if this is 1, we will draw the body and move-direction variable: ca_DrawCharacter type: int current: 1 help: if this is 0, will not draw the characters variable: ca_DrawDecalsBBoxes type: int current: 0 help: if set to 1, the decals bboxes are drawn variable: ca_DrawEmptyAttachments type: int current: 0 help: draws a wireframe cube if there is no object linked to an attachment variable: ca_DrawFaceAttachments type: int current: 1 help: if this is 0, will not draw the skin attachments objects variable: ca_DrawFootPlants DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: if this is 1, it will print some debug boxes at the feet of the character variable: ca_DrawIdle2MoveDir type: int current: 0 help: if this is 1, we will draw the initial Idle2Move dir variable: ca_DrawLookIK type: int current: 0 help: draws a visualization of look ik variable: ca_DrawMotionBlurTest type: int current: 0 help: if this is 1, we draw the motion-blur test mesh variable: ca_DrawNormals type: int current: 0 help: draws the normals of the rendered character variable: ca_DrawPositionPost type: int current: 0 help: draws the world position of the character (after update) variable: ca_DrawPositionPre type: int current: 0 help: draws the world position of the character (before update) variable: ca_DrawSkeleton type: int current: 0 help: if set to 1, the skeleton is drawn variable: ca_DrawTangents type: int current: 0 help: draws the tangents of the rendered character variable: ca_DrawWireframe type: int current: 0 help: draws a wireframe on top of the rendered character variable: ca_DumpAssetStatistics type: int current: 0 help: writes animation asset statistics to the disk variable: ca_EnableAnimationLog type: int current: 0 help: enables a special kind of log: Animation.log file, solely for debugging variable: ca_EnableAssetStrafing type: int current: 1 help: asset strafing is disabled by default variable: ca_EnableAssetTurning type: int current: 1 help: asset tuning is disabled by default variable: ca_EnableCoolReweighting type: int current: 0 help: If this is 1, then we re-weight all vertices to fix some issues with spherical skinning variable: ca_EnableCoolTransitions type: int current: 0 help: If this is 1, then we adjust all transition-times for humans variable: ca_eyes_procedural type: int current: 1 help: Enables/Disables procedural eyes animation variable: ca_FacialAnimationRadius type: float current: 30 help: Maximum distance at which facial animations are updated - handles zooming correctly variable: ca_FootAnchoring DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: if this is 1, it will print some debug boxes at the feet of the character variable: ca_ForceNullAnimation type: int current: 0 help: replaces the mocap-data by default position variable: ca_FPWeaponInCamSpace type: int current: 1 help: if this is 1, then we attach the wepon to the camera variable: ca_GameControlledStrafing type: int current: 1 help: Use game controlled strafing/curving flag, instead of low level calculated curving weight. variable: ca_GroundAlignment DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: if this is 1, the legs of human characters will align with the terrain variable: ca_JustRootUpdate type: int current: 0 help: if this is 1 it will force just update of the root-bone, even if the character is visible; if it is 2, it will force everything to be always updated. variable: ca_KeepModels type: int current: 0 help: If set to 1, will prevent models from unloading from memory upon destruction of the last referencing character variable: ca_lipsync_debug type: int current: 0 help: Enables facial animation debug draw variable: ca_lipsync_phoneme_crossfade type: int current: 70 help: Cross fade time between phonemes in milliseconds variable: ca_lipsync_phoneme_offset type: int current: 20 help: Offset phoneme start time by this value in milliseconds variable: ca_lipsync_phoneme_strength type: float current: 1 help: LipSync phoneme strength variable: ca_lipsync_vertex_drag type: float current: 1.2 help: Vertex drag coefficient when blending morph targets variable: ca_LoadDatabase type: int current: 1 help: Enable loading animations from database variable: ca_LoadUncompressedChunks type: int current: 0 help: If this 1, then uncompressed chunks prefer compressed while loading variable: ca_lod_ratio DUMPTODISK type: float current: 6 help: Caharcters LOD ratio variable: ca_LogAnimation type: string current: help: variable: ca_MemoryUsageLog type: int current: 0 help: enables a memory usage log variable: ca_NoAnim type: int current: 0 help: the animation isn't updated (the characters remain in the same pose) variable: ca_NoDeform type: int current: 0 help: the skinning is not performed during rendering if this is 1 variable: ca_PrintDesiredSpeed DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: if this is 1, it will print the desired speed of the human characters variable: ca_Profile type: int current: 0 help: Enables a table of real-time profile statistics variable: ca_RandomScaling type: int current: 0 help: If this is set to 1, then we apply ransom scaling to characters variable: ca_SaveAABB type: int current: 0 help: if the AABB is invalid, replace it by the default AABB variable: ca_SphericalSkinning DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: If this is 1, then use spherical-blend-skinning with up to 4 bones per vertex variable: ca_travelSpeedScaleMax type: float current: 2 help: Maximum motion travel speed scale (default 2.0). variable: ca_travelSpeedScaleMin type: float current: 0.5 help: Minimum motion travel speed scale (default 0.5). variable: ca_UnloadAimPoses DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: remove aim-poses from memory variable: ca_UseAimIK type: int current: 1 help: If this is set to 1, then we are adding a look-at animation to the skeleton variable: ca_UseAnimationsCache DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: use dynamically unpacked animations cache variable: ca_UseDecals type: int current: 1 help: if set to 0, effectively disables creation of decals on characters 2 - alternative method of calculating/building the decals variable: ca_UseFacialAnimation type: int current: 1 help: If this is set to 1, we can play facial animations variable: ca_UseLookIK type: int current: 1 help: If this is set to 1, then we are adding a look-at animation to the skeleton variable: ca_UseMorph type: int current: 1 help: the morph skinning step is skipped (it's part of overall skinning during rendering) variable: ca_UsePhysics type: int current: 1 help: the physics is not applied (effectively, no IK) variable: capture_file_format type: string current: jpg help: Specifies file format of captured files (jpg, bmp, tga, hdr). variable: capture_folder type: string current: CaptureOutput help: Specifies sub folder to write captured frames. variable: capture_frames type: int current: 0 help: Enables capturing of frames. variable: cl_actorsafemode type: int current: 0 help: Enable/disable actor safe mode variable: cl_bandwidth type: int current: 50000 help: Bit rate on client variable: cl_bob type: float current: 1 help: view/weapon bobbing multiplier variable: cl_camera_nearz type: float current: 0.25 help: Overrides default near z-range for camera. variable: cl_camera_noise type: float current: -1 help: Adds hand-held like camera noise to the camera view. The higher the value, the higher the noise. A value <= 0 disables it. variable: cl_camera_noise_freq type: float current: 2.53262 help: Defines camera noise frequency for the camera view. The higher the value, the higher the noise. variable: cl_crouchToggle DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: To make the crouch key work as a toggle variable: cl_debugFreezeShake DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Toggle freeze shake debug draw variable: cl_debugSwimming type: int current: 0 help: enable swimming debugging variable: cl_fov type: float current: 60 help: field of view. variable: cl_fpBody type: int current: 2 help: first person body variable: cl_frozenAngleMax type: float current: 10 help: Frozen clamp angle max variable: cl_frozenAngleMin type: float current: 1 help: Frozen clamp angle min variable: cl_frozenKeyMult type: float current: 0.02 help: Frozen movement keys multiplier variable: cl_frozenMouseMult type: float current: 0.00015 help: Frozen mouseshake multiplier variable: cl_frozenSensMax type: float current: 1 help: Frozen sensitivity max variable: cl_frozenSensMin type: float current: 1 help: Frozen sensitivity min variable: cl_frozenSoundDelta type: float current: 0.004 help: Threshold for unfreeze shake to trigger a crack sound variable: cl_frozenSteps type: float current: 3 help: Number of steps for unfreeze shaking variable: cl_gs_cdkey type: string current: help: CDKey for gamespy auth variable: cl_gs_email type: string current: help: Email address for Gamespy login variable: cl_gs_nick type: string current: help: Nickname for Gamespy login variable: cl_gs_password type: string current: help: Password for Gamespy login variable: cl_headBob type: float current: 1 help: head bobbing multiplier variable: cl_headBobLimit type: float current: 0.06 help: head bobbing distance limit variable: cl_hitBlur type: float current: 0.25 help: blur on hit variable: cl_hitShake type: float current: 1.25 help: hit shake variable: cl_hud type: int current: 1 help: Show/Hide the HUD variable: cl_invertController DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Controller Look Up-Down invert variable: cl_invertMouse DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: mouse invert? variable: cl_motionBlur type: float current: 2 help: motion blur type (0=off, 1=accumulation-based, 2=velocity-based) variable: cl_nearPlane type: float current: 0 help: overrides the near clipping plane if != 0, just for testing. variable: cl_packetRate type: int current: 30 help: Packet rate on client variable: cl_righthand type: int current: 1 help: Select right-handed weapon! variable: cl_screeneffects type: int current: 1 help: Enable player screen effects (depth-of-field, motion blur, ...). variable: cl_sensitivity DUMPTODISK type: float current: 45 help: Set mouse sensitivity! variable: cl_sensitivityZeroG DUMPTODISK type: float current: 70 help: Set mouse sensitivity in ZeroG! variable: cl_serveraddr DUMPTODISK type: string current: localhost help: Server address variable: cl_serverpassword DUMPTODISK type: string current: help: Server password variable: cl_serverport DUMPTODISK type: int current: 64087 help: Server address variable: cl_shallowWaterDepthHi type: float current: 1 help: Shallow water depth high (above has full slowdown) variable: cl_shallowWaterDepthLo type: float current: 0.3 help: Shallow water depth low (below has zero slowdown) variable: cl_shallowWaterSpeedMulAI type: float current: 0.8 help: Shallow water speed multiplier (AI only) variable: cl_shallowWaterSpeedMulPlayer type: float current: 0.6 help: shallow water speed multiplier (Players only) variable: cl_sprintBlur type: float current: 0.6 help: sprint blur variable: cl_sprintShake type: float current: 0 help: sprint shake variable: cl_strengthscale type: float current: 1 help: nanosuit strength scale variable: cl_tpvDist type: float current: 3.5 help: camera distance in 3rd person view variable: cl_tpvYaw type: float current: 0 help: camera angle offset in 3rd person view variable: cl_voice_recording type: int current: 0 help: Enable client voice recording variable: cl_voice_volume type: float current: 1 help: Set VOIP playback volume: 0-1 variable: con_debug type: int current: 0 help: Log call stack on every GetCVar call variable: con_display_last_messages type: int current: 0 help: variable: con_line_buffer_size type: int current: 1000 help: variable: con_restricted RESTRICTEDMODE type: int current: 0 help: 0=normal mode / 1=restricted access to the console variable: con_showonload type: int current: 0 help: Show console on level loading variable: demo_ai type: int current: 0 help: Enable/Disable AI during the demo variable: demo_file type: string current: timedemo help: Time Demo Filename variable: demo_fixed_timestep type: int current: 30 help: number of updates per second variable: demo_max_frames type: int current: 100000 help: Max number of frames to save variable: demo_noinfo type: int current: 0 help: Disable info display during demo playback variable: demo_num_runs type: int current: 1000 help: Number of times to loop timedemo variable: demo_panormaic type: int current: 0 help: Panormaic view when playing back demo variable: demo_profile type: int current: 0 help: Enable profiling variable: demo_quit type: int current: 0 help: Quit game after demo runs finished variable: demo_restart_level type: int current: 0 help: Restart level after each loop: 0 = Off; 1 = use quicksave on first playback; 2 = load level start variable: demo_savestats type: int current: 0 help: Save level stats at the end of the loop variable: demo_screenshot_frame type: int current: 0 help: Make screenshot on specified frame during demo playback, If Negative then do screen shoot every N frame variable: demo_scroll_pause type: int current: 1 help: ScrollLock pauses demo play/record variable: demo_time_of_day type: int current: -1 help: Sets the time of day to override in game settings if not negative variable: demo_vtune type: int current: 0 help: Enables VTune profiling when running time demo variable: ds_AutoReloadScripts type: int current: 0 help: Automatically reload DialogScripts when jumping into GameMode from Editor variable: ds_LoadExcelScripts type: int current: 1 help: Load legacy Excel based dialogs. variable: ds_LoadSoundsSync type: int current: 0 help: Load Sounds synchronously variable: ds_LogLevel type: int current: 0 help: Set the verbosity of DiaLOG Messages variable: ds_PrecacheSounds type: int current: 0 help: Precache sounds on Dialog Begin variable: ds_WarnOnMissingLoc type: int current: 1 help: Warn on Missing Localization Entries variable: dt_enable type: int current: 0 help: suit actions activated by double-tapping variable: dt_meleeTime type: float current: 0.3 help: time in seconds between double taps for melee variable: dt_time type: float current: 0.25 help: time in seconds between double taps variable: e_allow_cvars_serialization type: int current: 1 help: If set to zero - will not save cvars to cfg file variable: e_ambient_occlusion type: int current: 0 help: Activate non deferred terrain occlusion and indirectional lighitng system variable: e_bboxes type: int current: 0 help: Activates drawing of bounding boxes variable: e_brushes type: int current: 1 help: Draw brushes variable: e_cbuffer type: int current: 1 help: Activates usage of software coverage buffer. 1 - camera culling only; 2 - camera culling and light-to-object check variable: e_cbuffer_bias type: float current: 1.05 help: Coverage buffer z-biasing variable: e_cbuffer_clip_planes_num type: int current: 6 help: Debug variable: e_cbuffer_debug type: int current: 0 help: Display content of main camera coverage buffer variable: e_cbuffer_debug_draw_scale type: float current: 1 help: Debug variable: e_cbuffer_debug_freeze type: int current: 0 help: Freezes viewmatrix/-frustum variable: e_cbuffer_draw_occluders type: int current: 0 help: Debug draw of occluders for coverage buffer variable: e_cbuffer_hw type: int current: 0 help: Debug variable: e_cbuffer_lazy_test type: int current: 1 help: Dont test visible objects every frame variable: e_cbuffer_lc type: int current: 0 help: Debug variable: e_cbuffer_lights_debug_side type: int current: -1 help: Debug variable: e_cbuffer_max_add_render_mesh_time type: int current: 2 help: Max time for unlimited AddRenderMesh variable: e_cbuffer_occluders_lod_ratio type: float current: 0.25 help: Debug variable: e_cbuffer_occluders_test_min_tris_num type: int current: 0 help: Debug variable: e_cbuffer_occluders_view_dist_ratio type: float current: 1 help: Debug variable: e_cbuffer_resolution type: int current: 256 help: Resolution of software coverage buffer variable: e_cbuffer_terrain type: int current: 0 help: Activates usage of coverage buffer for terrain variable: e_cbuffer_terrain_elevation_shift type: float current: 4 help: Shift low lods down in order to avoid false occlusion variable: e_cbuffer_terrain_lod_ratio type: float current: 4 help: Terrain lod ratio for mesh rendered into cbuffer variable: e_cbuffer_terrain_lod_shift type: int current: 2 help: Controlls tesselation of terrain mesh variable: e_cbuffer_terrain_max_distance type: float current: 512 help: Only near sectors are rasterized variable: e_cbuffer_test_mode type: int current: 2 help: Debug variable: e_cbuffer_tree_debug type: int current: 0 help: Debug variable: e_cbuffer_tree_depth type: int current: 7 help: Debug variable: e_cbuffer_version type: int current: 2 help: 1 Vladimir's, 2MichaelK's variable: e_clouds type: int current: 0 help: Enable clouds rendering variable: e_cull_lights_per_triangle_min_obj_radius type: float current: 8 help: Debug variable: e_cull_veg_activation type: int current: 200 help: Vegetation activation distance limit; 0 disables visibility-based culling (= unconditional activation) variable: e_debug_draw type: int current: 0 help: Draw helpers with information for each object (same number negative hides the text) 1: Name of the used cgf, polycount, used LOD 2: Color coded polygon count 3: Show color coded LODs count, flashing color indicates no Lod 4: Display object texture memory usage 5: Display color coded number of render materials 6: Display ambient color 7: Display tri count, number of render materials, texture memory 8: RenderWorld statistics (with view cones) 9: RenderWorld statistics (with view cones without lights) 10: Render geometry with simple lines and triangles 11: Render occlusion geometry additionally 12: Render occlusion geometry without render geometry 13: Render occlusion ammount (used during AO computations) 15: Display helpers variable: e_debug_lights type: float current: 0 help: Use different colors for objects affected by different number of lights black:0, blue:1, green:2, red:3 or more, blinking yellow: more then the maximum enabled variable: e_debug_mask type: int current: 0 help: debug variable to activate certain features for debugging (each bit represents one feature bit 0(1): use EFSLIST_TERRAINLAYER bit 1(2): bit 3(4): bit 4(8): variable: e_decals type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of decals (game decals and hand-placed) variable: e_decals_allow_game_decals type: int current: 1 help: Allows creation of decals by game (like weapon bullets marks) variable: e_decals_clip type: int current: 1 help: Clip decal geometry by decal bbox variable: e_decals_hit_cache type: int current: 1 help: Use smart hit cacheing for bullet hits (may cause no decals in some cases) variable: e_decals_life_time_scale DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: Allows to increase or reduce decals life time for different specs variable: e_decals_merge type: int current: 1 help: Combine pieces of decals into one render call variable: e_decals_neighbor_max_life_time type: float current: 4 help: If not zero - new decals will force old decals to fade in X seconds variable: e_decals_overlapping type: float current: 0 help: If zero - new decals will not be spawned if the distance to nearest decals less than X variable: e_decals_precreate type: int current: 1 help: Pre-create decals at load time variable: e_decals_range type: float current: 20 help: Less precision for decals outside this range variable: e_decals_wrap_around_min_size type: float current: 0.05 help: Controls usage of wrapping around objects feature. When decal radius is smaller than X - simple quad decal is used variable: e_default_material type: float current: 0 help: use gray illum as default variable: e_deformable_objects type: int current: 1 help: Enable / Disable morph based deformable objects variable: e_detail_materials type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of detail materials on terrain ground variable: e_detail_materials_debug type: int current: 0 help: Shows number of materials in use per terrain sector variable: e_detail_materials_view_dist_xy type: float current: 2048 help: Max view distance of terrain XY materials variable: e_detail_materials_view_dist_z type: float current: 128 help: Max view distance of terrain Z materials variable: e_detail_objects type: int current: 1 help: Turn detail objects on/off variable: e_dissolve type: int current: 1 help: Objects alphatest_noise_fading out on distance variable: e_dissolve_transition_threshold type: float current: 0.05 help: Controls disabling of smooth transition if camera moves too fast variable: e_dissolve_transition_time type: float current: 0.3 help: Lod switch duration variable: e_dynamic_light type: int current: 1 help: Activates dynamic light sources variable: e_dynamic_light_consistent_sort_order type: int current: 1 help: Debug variable: e_dynamic_light_frame_id_vis_test type: int current: 1 help: Use based on last draw frame visibility test variable: e_entities type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of entities and brushes variable: e_EntitySuppressionLevel type: int current: 0 help: Defines the level at which entities are spawned. Entities marked with lower level will not be spawned - 0 means no level. Usage: e_EntitySuppressionLevel [0-infinity] Default is 0 (off). variable: e_flocks DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Enable Flocks (Birds/Fishes) variable: e_flocks_hunt type: int current: 1 help: Birds will fall down... variable: e_fog type: int current: 1 help: Activates global height/distance based fog variable: e_fogvolumes type: int current: 1 help: Activates local height/distance based fog volumes variable: e_foliage_branches_damping type: float current: 10 help: Damping of branch ropes variable: e_foliage_branches_stiffness type: float current: 100 help: Stiffness of branch ropes variable: e_foliage_branches_timeout type: float current: 4 help: Maximum lifetime of branch ropes (if there are no collisions) variable: e_foliage_broken_branches_damping type: float current: 15 help: Damping of branch ropes of broken vegetation variable: e_foliage_stiffness type: float current: 3.2 help: Stiffness of the spongy obstruct geometry variable: e_foliage_wind_activation_dist type: float current: 0 help: If the wind is sufficiently strong, visible foliage in this view dist will be forcefully activated variable: e_force_detail_level_for_resolution type: int current: 0 help: Force sprite distance and other values used for some specific screen resolution, 0 means current variable: e_gsm_cache type: float current: 1 help: Cache sun shadows maps over several frames 0=off, 1=on if MultiGPU is deactivated variable: e_gsm_cache_lod_offset type: int current: 3 help: Makes first X GSM lods not cached variable: e_gsm_combined type: int current: 0 help: Variable to tweak the performace of directional shadow maps 0=individual textures are used for each GSM level, 1=texture are combined into one texture variable: e_gsm_depth_bounds_debug type: int current: 0 help: Debug GSM bounds regions calculation variable: e_gsm_lods_num type: int current: 5 help: Number of GSM lods (0..5) variable: e_gsm_range type: float current: 3 help: Size of LOD 0 GSM area (in meters) variable: e_gsm_range_step type: float current: 3 help: Range of next GSM lod is previous range multiplied by step variable: e_gsm_range_step_terrain type: float current: 16 help: gsm_range_step for last gsm lod containg terrain variable: e_gsm_scatter_lod_dist type: float current: 70 help: Size of Scattering LOD GSM in meters variable: e_gsm_stats type: int current: 0 help: Show GSM statistics 0=off, 1=enable debug to the screens variable: e_gsm_view_space type: int current: 0 help: 0=world axis aligned GSM layout, 1=Rotate GSM frustums depending on view camera variable: e_hw_occlusion_culling_objects type: int current: 0 help: Activates usage of HW occlusion test for objects variable: e_hw_occlusion_culling_water type: int current: 1 help: Activates usage of HW occlusion test for ocean variable: e_joint_strength_scale type: float current: 1 help: Scales the strength of prebroken objects' joints (for tweaking) variable: e_level_auto_precache_camera_jump_dist type: int current: 64 help: When not 0 - Force full pre-cache of textures, procedural vegetation and shadersif camera moved for more than X meters in one frame or on new cut scene start variable: e_level_auto_precache_terrain_and_proc_veget type: float current: 1 help: Force auro pre-cache of terrain textures and procedural vegetation variable: e_level_auto_precache_textures_and_shaders type: float current: 0 help: Force auro pre-cache of general textures and shaders variable: e_lod_max type: int current: 6 help: Max LOD for objects variable: e_lod_min type: int current: 0 help: Min LOD for objects variable: e_lod_min_tris type: int current: 300 help: LODs with less triangles will not be used variable: e_lod_ratio type: float current: 6 help: LOD distance ratio for objects variable: e_lods type: int current: 1 help: Load and use LOD models for static geometry variable: e_lowspec_mode type: int current: 0 help: Enables lowspec mode variable: e_materials type: int current: 1 help: Activates material support for non animated objects variable: e_max_entity_lights type: int current: 16 help: Set maximum number of lights affecting object variable: e_max_view_dst type: int current: -1 help: Far clipping plane distance variable: e_max_view_dst_full_dist_cam_height type: float current: 1000 help: Debug variable: e_max_view_dst_spec_lerp type: float current: 1 help: 1 - use max view distance set by designer for very high spec 0 - for very low spec Values between 0 and 1 - will lerp between high and low spec max view distances variable: e_mesh_simplify type: float current: 0 help: Mesh simplification debugging variable: e_obj type: int current: 1 help: Render or not all objects variable: e_obj_fast_register type: int current: 1 help: Debug variable: e_obj_quality type: int current: 0 help: Current object detail quality variable: e_obj_stats type: int current: 0 help: Show instances count variable: e_obj_tree_max_node_size type: int current: 0 help: Debug draw of object tree bboxes variable: e_obj_tree_min_node_size type: int current: 0 help: Debug draw of object tree bboxes variable: e_occlusion_culling_view_dist_ratio type: float current: 0.5 help: Skip per object occlusion test for very far objects - culling on tree level will handle it variable: e_occlusion_volumes type: int current: 1 help: Enable occlusion volumes(antiportals) variable: e_occlusion_volumes_view_dist_ratio type: float current: 0.05 help: Controls how far occlusion volumes starts to occlude objects variable: e_on_demand_maxsize type: float current: 20 help: Specifies the maximum size of vegetation objects that are physicalized on-demand variable: e_on_demand_physics type: int current: 1 help: Turns on on-demand vegetation physicalization variable: e_particles type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of particles variable: e_particles_debug type: int current: 0 help: Particle debug flags: 1 = show basic stats f+ = show fill rate stats r+ = show reuse/reject stats b+ = draw bounding boxes and labels s+ = log emitter and particle counts by effect (for 1 frame) e+ = log particle system timing info (for 1 frame) t+ = log particle texture usage z+ = freeze particle system variable: e_particles_lights type: int current: 1 help: Allows to have simpe light source attached to every article variable: e_particles_lod type: float current: 1 help: Multiplier to particle count variable: e_particles_max_emitter_draw_screen type: float current: 4 help: Max screen fill per emitter -- fade out earlier variable: e_particles_min_draw_pixels type: float current: 1 help: Pixel size cutoff for rendering particles -- fade out earlier variable: e_particles_object_collisions type: int current: 1 help: Enable particle/object collisions for SimpleCollision variable: e_particles_preload type: int current: 1 help: Enable preloading of all particle effects at the begining variable: e_particles_quality type: int current: 0 help: Current particles detail quality variable: e_particles_receive_shadows type: int current: 0 help: Enable shadow maps receiving for particles variable: e_particles_thread type: int current: 1 help: Enable particle threading variable: e_phys_foliage type: int current: 2 help: Enables physicalized foliage (1 - only for dynamic objects, 2 - for static and dynamic) variable: e_phys_ocean_cell type: float current: 0 help: Cell size for ocean approximation in physics, 0 assumes flat plane variable: e_portals type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of visareas content (indoors), values 2,3,4 used for debugging variable: e_portals_big_entities_fix type: int current: 1 help: Enables special processing of big entities like vehicles intersecting portals variable: e_precache_level type: int current: 0 help: Pre-render objects right after level loading variable: e_proc_vegetation type: int current: 1 help: Show procedurally distributed vegetation variable: e_proc_vegetation_max_view_distance type: int current: 128 help: Debug variable: e_profile_level_loading type: int current: 1 help: Output level loading stats into log 0 = Off 1 = Output basic info about loading time per function 2 = Output full statistics including loading time and memory allocations with call stack info variable: e_ram_DumpDXF type: int current: 0 help: Dump DXF files of the UV-set of ram objects/brushes to visualize overlapping UVs variable: e_ram_maps DUMPTODISK, REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD type: int current: 1 help: Use RAM (realtime ambient maps) on brushes variable: e_recursion type: int current: 1 help: If 0 - will skip recursive render calls like render into texture variable: e_recursion_occlusion_culling type: int current: 0 help: If 0 - will disable occlusion tests for recursive render calls like render into texture variable: e_recursion_view_dist_ratio type: float current: 0.1 help: Set all view distances shorter by factor of X variable: e_render type: int current: 1 help: Enable engine rendering variable: e_roads type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of road objects variable: e_ropes type: int current: 1 help: Turn Rendering of Ropes on/off variable: e_scene_merging type: int current: 0 help: Merge marked brushes during loading variable: e_scene_merging_compact_vertices type: int current: 1 help: Minimize number of vertices in decals and merged brushes variable: e_scene_merging_max_time_ms type: int current: 5 help: Spend only X ms per frame on merging variable: e_scene_merging_max_tris_in_chunk type: int current: 64 help: Only objects having less than X triangles per chunk will me merged variable: e_scene_merging_min_merge_distance type: int current: 0 help: Don't merge nodes closer than X variable: e_scene_merging_show_onlymerged type: int current: 0 help: Show only merged brushes variable: e_scissor_debug type: int current: 0 help: Debug variable: e_screenshot type: int current: 0 help: Make screenshot combined up of multiple rendered frames (negative values for multiple frames, positive for a a single frame) 1 highres 2 360 degree panorama 3 Map top-down view see: e_screenshot_width, e_screenshot_height, e_screenshot_quality, e_screenshot_map_center_x, e_screenshot_map_center_y, e_screenshot_map_size, e_screenshots_min_slices, e_screenshot_debug variable: e_screenshot_debug type: int current: 0 help: 0 off 1 show stiching borders 2 show overlapping areas variable: e_screenshot_file_format type: string current: tga help: Set output image file format for hires screen shots. Can be JPG or TGA variable: e_screenshot_height type: int current: 1500 help: used for e_panorama_screenshot to define the height of the destination image, 1500 default variable: e_screenshot_map_camheight type: float current: 4000 help: param for top-down-view screenshot creation, defining the camera height for screenshots, see e_screenshot_map defines the y position of the bottom right corner of the screenshot-area on the terrain, 0.0 - 1.0 (1.0 is default) variable: e_screenshot_map_center_x type: float current: 0 help: param for the centerX position of the camera, see e_screenshot_map defines the x position of the top left corner of the screenshot-area on the terrain, 0.0 - 1.0 (0.0 is default) variable: e_screenshot_map_center_y type: float current: 0 help: param for the centerX position of the camera, see e_screenshot_map defines the y position of the top left corner of the screenshot-area on the terrain, 0.0 - 1.0 (0.0 is default) variable: e_screenshot_map_size_x type: float current: 1024 help: param for the size in worldunits of area to make map screenshot, see e_screenshot_map defines the x position of the bottom right corner of the screenshot-area on the terrain, 0.0 - 1.0 (1.0 is default) variable: e_screenshot_map_size_y type: float current: 1024 help: param for the size in worldunits of area to make map screenshot, see e_screenshot_map defines the x position of the bottom right corner of the screenshot-area on the terrain, 0.0 - 1.0 (1.0 is default) variable: e_screenshot_min_slices type: int current: 4 help: used for e_panorama_screenshot to define the quality 0=fast, 10 .. 30 .. 100 = extra border in percent (soften seams), negative value to debug variable: e_screenshot_quality type: int current: 30 help: used for e_panorama_screenshot to define the quality 0=fast, 10 .. 30 .. 100 = extra border in percent (soften seams), negative value to debug variable: e_screenshot_width type: int current: 2000 help: used for e_panorama_screenshot to define the width of the destination image, 2000 default variable: e_shadows type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of shadows variable: e_shadows_cast_view_dist_ratio type: float current: 0.8 help: View dist ratio for shadow maps variable: e_shadows_clouds type: int current: 1 help: Cloud shadows variable: e_shadows_debug type: int current: 0 help: 0=off, 2=visualize shadow maps on the screen variable: e_shadows_from_terrain_in_all_lods type: int current: 1 help: Enable shadows from terrain variable: e_shadows_frustums type: int current: 0 help: Debug variable: e_shadows_max_texture_size type: int current: 1024 help: Set maximum resolution of shadow map 256(faster), 512(medium), 1024(better quality) variable: e_shadows_occ_check type: int current: 0 help: Enable/disable shadow-caster test against the occlusion buffer variable: e_shadows_occ_cutCaster type: int current: 0 help: Clips the caster extrusion to the zoro height. variable: e_shadows_on_alpha_blended type: int current: 1 help: Enable shadows on aplhablended variable: e_shadows_slope_bias type: float current: 4 help: Shadows slope bias for shadowgen variable: e_shadows_water type: int current: 0 help: Enable/disable shadows on water variable: e_sketch_mode type: int current: 0 help: Enables Sketch mode drawing variable: e_sky_box type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of skybox and moving cloud layers variable: e_sky_quality type: int current: 1 help: Quality of dynamic sky: 1 (very high), 2 (high). variable: e_sky_type type: int current: 1 help: Type of sky used: 0 (static), 1 (dynamic). variable: e_sky_update_rate type: float current: 0.12 help: Percentage of a full dynamic sky update calculated per frame (0..100]. variable: e_sleep type: int current: 0 help: Sleep X in C3DEngine::Draw variable: e_stat_obj_merge type: float current: 1 help: Enable CGF sub-objects meshes merging variable: e_stream_areas type: int current: 0 help: Stream content of terrain and indoor sectors variable: e_stream_cgf type: int current: 0 help: Debug variable: e_stream_for_physics type: int current: 1 help: Debug variable: e_stream_for_visuals type: int current: 1 help: Debug variable: e_sun type: int current: 1 help: Activates sun light source variable: e_sun_angle_snap_dot type: float current: 0.999999 help: Sun dir snap control variable: e_sun_angle_snap_sec type: float current: 0.1 help: Sun dir snap control variable: e_sun_clipplane_range type: float current: 192 help: Max range for sun shadowmap frustum variable: e_terrain type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of terrain ground variable: e_terrain_ao type: int current: 1 help: Activate deferred terrain ambient occlusion variable: e_terrain_bboxes type: int current: 0 help: Show terrain nodes bboxes variable: e_terrain_deformations type: int current: 0 help: Allows in-game terrain surface deformations variable: e_terrain_draw_this_sector_only type: int current: 0 help: 1 - render only sector where camera is and objects registered in sector 00, 2 - render only sector where camera is variable: e_terrain_lm_gen_threshold type: float current: 0.1 help: Debug variable: e_terrain_lod_ratio type: float current: 1 help: Set heightmap LOD variable: e_terrain_log type: int current: 0 help: Debug variable: e_terrain_normal_map type: int current: 1 help: Use terrain normal map for base pass if available variable: e_terrain_occlusion_culling type: int current: 1 help: heightmap occlusion culling with time coherency 0=off, 1=on variable: e_terrain_occlusion_culling_debug type: int current: 0 help: Draw sphere onevery terrain height sample variable: e_terrain_occlusion_culling_max_dist type: float current: 200 help: Max length of ray (for version 1) variable: e_terrain_occlusion_culling_max_steps type: int current: 50 help: Max number of tests per ray (for version 0) variable: e_terrain_occlusion_culling_precision type: float current: 0.25 help: Density of rays variable: e_terrain_occlusion_culling_precision_dist_ratio type: float current: 3 help: Controlls density of rays depending on distance to the object variable: e_terrain_occlusion_culling_step_size type: int current: 4 help: Initial size of single step (in heightmap units) variable: e_terrain_occlusion_culling_step_size_delta type: float current: 1.05 help: Step size scale on every next step (for version 1) variable: e_terrain_occlusion_culling_version type: int current: 1 help: 0 - old, 1 - new variable: e_terrain_texture_debug type: int current: 0 help: Debug variable: e_terrain_texture_lod_ratio type: float current: 1 help: Adjust terrain base texture resolution on distance variable: e_terrain_texture_streaming_debug type: int current: 0 help: Debug variable: e_time_of_day type: float current: 0 help: Current Time of Day variable: e_time_of_day_speed type: float current: 0 help: Time of Day change speed variable: e_time_smoothing type: int current: 1 help: 0=no smoothing, 1=smoothing variable: e_timedemo_frames type: int current: 0 help: Will quit appication in X number of frames, r_DisplayInfo must be also enabled variable: e_timer_debug type: int current: 0 help: Timer debug variable: e_vegetation type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of distributed objects like trees variable: e_vegetation_alpha_blend type: int current: 1 help: Allow alpha blending for vegetations variable: e_vegetation_bending type: int current: 2 help: Debug variable: e_vegetation_mem_sort_test type: int current: 0 help: Debug variable: e_vegetation_min_size DUMPTODISK, REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD type: float current: 0 help: Minimal size of static object, smaller objects will be not rendered variable: e_vegetation_node_level type: int current: -1 help: Debug variable: e_vegetation_sphericalskinning type: int current: 1 help: Activates vegetation spherical skinning support variable: e_vegetation_sprites type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of sprites instead of distributed objects at far distance variable: e_vegetation_sprites_distance_custom_ratio_min type: float current: 1 help: Clamps SpriteDistRatio setting in vegetation properties variable: e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio type: float current: 1 help: Allows changing distance on what vegetation switch into sprite variable: e_vegetation_sprites_min_distance type: float current: 8 help: Sets minimal distance when distributed object can be replaced with sprite variable: e_vegetation_static_instancing type: int current: 0 help: Enable 3dengine side static instancing variable: e_vegetation_use_terrain_color type: int current: 1 help: Allow blend with terrain color for vegetations variable: e_vegetation_wind type: int current: 1 help: Activates vegetation with wind support variable: e_view_dist_custom_ratio type: float current: 100 help: View distance ratio for special marked objects (Players,AI,Vehicles) variable: e_view_dist_min type: float current: 0 help: Min distance on what far objects will be culled out variable: e_view_dist_ratio type: float current: 60 help: View distance ratio for objects variable: e_view_dist_ratio_detail type: float current: 30 help: View distance ratio for detail objects variable: e_view_dist_ratio_vegetation type: float current: 30 help: View distance ratio for vegetation variable: e_volobj_shadow_strength type: float current: 0.4 help: Self shadow intensity of volume objects [0..1]. variable: e_voxel type: int current: 1 help: Render voxels variable: e_voxel_ao_radius type: int current: 6 help: Ambient occlusion test range in units variable: e_voxel_ao_scale type: int current: 8 help: Ambient occlusion amount variable: e_voxel_build type: int current: 0 help: Regenerate voxel world variable: e_voxel_debug type: int current: 0 help: Draw voxel debug info variable: e_voxel_fill_mode type: int current: 0 help: Use create brush as fill brush variable: e_voxel_lods_num type: int current: 1 help: Generate LODs for voxels variable: e_voxel_make_physics type: int current: 1 help: Physicalize geometry variable: e_voxel_make_shadows type: int current: 0 help: Calculate per vertex shadows variable: e_voxel_rasterize_selected_brush type: float current: 0 help: Debug variable: e_water_ocean type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of ocean variable: e_water_ocean_bottom type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing bottom of ocean variable: e_water_ocean_fft type: int current: 0 help: Activates fft based ocean variable: e_water_ocean_soft_particles type: int current: 1 help: Enables ocean soft particles variable: e_water_tesselation_amount type: int current: 10 help: Set tesselation amount variable: e_water_tesselation_swath_width type: int current: 12 help: Set the swath width for the boustrophedonic mesh stripping variable: e_water_volumes type: int current: 1 help: Activates drawing of water volumes variable: e_water_waves type: int current: 0 help: Activates drawing of water waves variable: e_water_waves_tesselation_amount type: int current: 5 help: Sets water waves tesselation amount variable: e_wind type: int current: 1 help: Debug variable: e_wind_areas type: int current: 1 help: Debug variable: es_activateEntity type: string current: help: Activates an entity variable: es_bboxes type: int current: 0 help: Toggles entity bounding boxes. Usage: es_bboxes [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to display bounding boxes. variable: es_CharZOffsetSpeed DUMPTODISK type: float current: 2 help: sets the character Z-offset change speed (in m/s), used for IK variable: es_deactivateEntity type: string current: help: Deactivates an entity variable: es_DebrisLifetimeScale type: float current: 1 help: Usage: es_DebrisLifetimeScale 1.0 variable: es_debug type: int current: 0 help: Enable entity debugging info Usage: es_debug [0/1] Default is 0 (on). variable: es_debug_not_seen_timeout DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: if true, log messages when entities undergo not seen timeout variable: es_DebugEvents type: int current: 0 help: Enables logging of entity events variable: es_DebugFindEntity type: int current: 0 help: variable: es_DebugTimers type: int current: 0 help: This is for profiling and debugging (for game coders and level designer) By enabling this you get a lot of console printouts that show all entities that receive OnTimer events - it's good to minimize the call count. Certain entities might require this feature and using less active entities can often be defined by the level designer. Usage: es_DebugTimers 0/1 variable: es_DrawAreaGrid type: int current: 0 help: Enables drawing of Area Grid variable: es_DrawAreas type: int current: 0 help: Enables drawing of Areas variable: es_enable_full_script_save SAVEGAME, DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enable (experimental) full script save functionality variable: es_FarPhysTimeout type: float current: 4 help: Timeout for faraway physics forceful deactivation variable: es_helpers type: int current: 0 help: Toggles helpers. Usage: es_helpers [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to display entity helpers. variable: es_HitCharacters type: int current: 1 help: specifies whether alive characters are affected by bullet hits (0 or 1) variable: es_HitDeadBodies type: int current: 1 help: specifies whether dead bodies are affected by bullet hits (0 or 1) variable: es_ImpulseScale type: float current: 0 help: Usage: es_ImpulseScale 0.0 variable: es_log_collisions type: int current: 0 help: Enables collision events logging variable: es_MaxImpulseAdjMass type: float current: 2000 help: Usage: es_MaxImpulseAdjMass 2000.0 variable: es_MaxPhysDist type: float current: 300 help: Physical entities farther from the camera than this are forcefully deactivated variable: es_MaxPhysDistInvisible type: float current: 40 help: Invisible physical entities farther from the camera than this are forcefully deactivated variable: es_MinImpulseVel type: float current: 0 help: Usage: es_MinImpulseVel 0.0 variable: es_not_seen_timeout DUMPTODISK type: int current: 30 help: number of seconds after which to cleanup temporary render buffers in entity variable: es_OnDemandPhysics type: int current: 0 help: Usage: es_OnDemandPhysics [0/1] Default is 1 (on). variable: es_profileentities type: int current: 0 help: Usage: 1,2,3 Default is 0 (off). variable: es_removeEntity type: string current: help: Removes an entity variable: es_sortupdatesbyclass type: int current: 0 help: Sort entity updates by class (possible optimization) variable: es_SplashThreshold type: float current: 1 help: minimum instantaneous water resistance that is detected as a splashUsage: es_SplashThreshold 200.0 variable: es_SplashTimeout type: float current: 3 help: minimum time interval between consecutive splashesUsage: es_SplashTimeout 3.0 variable: es_UpdateAI type: int current: 1 help: Toggles updating of AI entities. Usage: es_UpdateAI [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to prevent AI entities from updating. variable: es_UpdateCollision type: int current: 1 help: Toggles updating of entity collisions. Usage: es_UpdateCollision [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable entity collision updating. variable: es_UpdateCollisionScript type: int current: 1 help: Usage: es_UpdateCollisionScript [0/1] Default is 1 (on). variable: es_UpdateContainer type: int current: 1 help: Usage: es_UpdateContainer [0/1] Default is 1 (on). variable: es_UpdateEntities type: int current: 1 help: Toggles entity updating. Usage: es_UpdateEntities [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to prevent all entities from updating. variable: es_UpdatePhysics type: int current: 1 help: Toggles updating of entity physics. Usage: es_UpdatePhysics [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to prevent entity physics from updating. variable: es_UpdateScript type: int current: 1 help: Usage: Default is 1 (on). variable: es_UpdateTimer type: int current: 1 help: Usage: es_UpdateTimer [0/1] Default is 1 (on). variable: es_UsePhysVisibilityChecks type: int current: 1 help: Activates physics quality degradation and forceful sleeping for invisible and faraway entities variable: es_VisCheckForUpdate type: int current: 1 help: Usage: es_VisCheckForUpdate [0/1] Default is 1 (on). variable: ExitOnQuit type: int current: 1 help: variable: fg_abortOnLoadError type: int current: 1 help: Abort on load error of flowgraphs 2:abort, 1:dialog, 0:log only variable: fg_inspectorLog type: int current: 0 help: Log inspector on console. variable: fg_noDebugText type: int current: 0 help: Don't show debug text [0/1] Default is 0 (show debug text). variable: fg_profile type: int current: 0 help: Flow graph profiling enable/disable variable: fg_SystemEnable type: int current: 1 help: Toggles FlowGraph System Updates. Usage: fg_SystemEnable [0/1] Default is 1 (on). variable: fixed_time_step type: float current: 0 help: Game updated with this fixed frame time variable: g_aimdebug type: int current: 0 help: Enable/disable debug drawing for aiming direction variable: g_AiSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTime type: float current: 20 help: Modify suit health recharge for AI in armor mode. variable: g_AiSuitEnergyRechargeTime type: float current: 10 help: Modify suit energy recharge for AI. variable: g_AiSuitHealthRegenTime type: float current: 33.3 help: Modify suit health recharge for AI. variable: g_AiSuitStrengthMeleeMult type: float current: 0.4 help: Modify AI strength mode melee damage relative to player damage. variable: g_alienPhysicsAnimRatio type: float current: 0 help: variable: g_autoteambalance type: int current: 0 help: Enables auto team balance. variable: g_avmine_limit type: int current: 3 help: Max avmines a player can place (recycled above this value) variable: g_battleDust_debug type: int current: 0 help: 0: off, 1: text, 2: text+gfx variable: g_battleDust_effect type: string current: misc.battledust.light help: Sets the effect to use for battledust variable: g_battleDust_enable type: int current: 1 help: Enable/Disable battledust variable: g_battleRange type: float current: 50 help: sets the battle range in meters variable: g_blood type: int current: 1 help: Toggle blood effects variable: g_breakage_particles_limit type: int current: 200 help: Imposes a limit on particles generated during 2d surfaces breaking variable: g_breakagelog type: int current: 0 help: Log break events variable: g_breakImpulseScale REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD type: float current: 1 help: How big do explosions need to be to break things? variable: g_breaktimeoutframes type: int current: 140 help: variable: g_buddyMessagesIngame DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Output incoming buddy messages in chat while playing game. variable: g_claymore_limit type: int current: 3 help: Max claymores a player can place (recycled above this value) variable: g_combatFadeTime type: float current: 17 help: sets the battle fade time in seconds variable: g_combatFadeTimeDelay type: float current: 7 help: waiting time before the battle starts fading out, in seconds variable: g_cutsceneSkipDelay type: float current: 0 help: Skip Delay for Cutscenes. variable: g_debug_fscommand type: int current: 0 help: Print incoming fscommands to console variable: g_debugaimlook type: int current: 0 help: Debug aim/look direction variable: g_debugCollisionDamage DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Log collision damage variable: g_debugDirectMPMenu type: int current: 0 help: Jump directly to MP menu on application start. variable: g_debugHits DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Log hits variable: g_debugMines type: int current: 0 help: Enable debug output for mines and claymores variable: g_debugNetPlayerInput type: int current: 0 help: Show some debug for player input variable: g_detachCamera type: int current: 0 help: Detach camera variable: g_difficultyHintSystem READONLY type: int current: 2 help: Lower difficulty hint system (0 is off, 1 is radius based, 2 is save-game based) variable: g_difficultyLevel READONLY type: int current: 0 help: Difficulty level variable: g_difficultyRadius READONLY type: float current: 300 help: Radius in which player needs to die to display lower difficulty level hint. variable: g_difficultyRadiusThreshold READONLY type: int current: 5 help: Number of times player has to die within radius to trigger difficulty hint. variable: g_difficultySaveThreshold READONLY type: int current: 5 help: Number of times player has to die with same savegame active to trigger difficulty hint. variable: g_displayIgnoreList DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Display ignore list in chat tab. variable: g_dof_averageAdjustSpeed type: float current: 20 help: Speed that the average between min and max can be approached. Default = 20 variable: g_dof_distAppart type: float current: 10 help: Minimum distance that max and min can be apart. Default = 10 variable: g_dof_ironsight type: int current: 1 help: Enable ironsight dof. Default = 1 variable: g_dof_maxAdjustSpeed type: float current: 200 help: Speed that DoF can adjust the max value with. Default = 200 variable: g_dof_maxHitScale type: float current: 2 help: Scale of ray hit distance which Max tries to approach. Default = 2.0f variable: g_dof_minAdjustSpeed type: float current: 100 help: Speed that DoF can adjust the min value with. Default = 100 variable: g_dof_minHitScale type: float current: 0.25 help: Scale of ray hit distance which Min tries to approach. Default = 0.25 variable: g_dof_sampleAngle type: float current: 5 help: Sample angle in degrees. Default = 5 variable: g_dofset_limitScale type: float current: 9 help: Scale Dof_FocusLimit param when it gets set Default = 9 variable: g_dofset_maxScale type: float current: 3 help: Scale Dof_FocusMax param when it gets set Default = 3 variable: g_dofset_minScale type: float current: 1 help: Scale Dof_FocusMin param when it gets set Default = 1 variable: g_ec_enable type: int current: 1 help: Enable/Disable explosion culling of small objects. Default = 1 variable: g_ec_extent type: float current: 2 help: Explosion culling length of an AABB side which needs to be exceed for objects to not be culled. variable: g_ec_radiusScale type: float current: 2 help: Explosion culling scale to apply to explosion radius for object query. variable: g_ec_removeThreshold type: int current: 20 help: At how many items in exploding area will it start removing items. variable: g_ec_volume type: float current: 0.75 help: Explosion culling volume which needs to be exceed for objects to not be culled. variable: g_emp_nanosuit_downtime type: float current: 10 help: Time that the nanosuit is deactivated after leaving the EMP field. variable: g_emp_style type: int current: 0 help: variable: g_enableAlternateIronSight type: int current: 0 help: Enable/Disable alternate ironsight mode variable: g_enableFriendlyFallAndPlay type: int current: 0 help: Enables fall&play feedback for friendly actors. variable: g_enableIdleCheck type: int current: 1 help: variable: g_enableitems type: int current: 1 help: Enable/disable the item system variable: g_enableloadingscreen DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Enable/disable the loading screen variable: g_enableMPStealthOMeter type: int current: 0 help: Enables the stealth-o-meter to detect enemies in MP matches. variable: g_enableSpeedLean type: int current: 0 help: Enables player-controlled curve leaning in speed mode. variable: g_enableTracers type: int current: 1 help: Enable/Disable tracers. variable: g_energy_scale_income type: float current: 1 help: Scales incoming energy. variable: g_energy_scale_price type: float current: 0 help: Scales energy prices. variable: g_fallAndPlayThreshold type: float current: 50 help: Minimum damage for fall and play. variable: g_fraglead type: int current: 1 help: Number of frags a player has to be ahead of other players once g_fraglimit is reached. Default is 1. variable: g_fraglimit type: int current: 0 help: Number of frags before a round restarts. Default is 0, 0 means no frag-limit. variable: g_friendlyfireratio type: float current: 1 help: Sets friendly damage ratio. variable: g_frostDecay type: float current: 0.25 help: Frost decay speed when freezing actors variable: g_godMode type: int current: 0 help: God Mode variable: g_goForceFastUpdate type: int current: 0 help: GameObjects IsProbablyVisible->TRUE && IsProbablyDistant()->FALSE variable: g_grabLog type: int current: 0 help: verbosity for grab logging (0-2) variable: g_groundeffectsdebug type: int current: 0 help: Enable/disable logging for GroundEffects variable: g_joint_breaking type: int current: 1 help: Toggles jointed objects breaking variable: g_language type: string current: English help: variable: g_localPacketRate type: float current: 50 help: Packet rate locally on faked network connection variable: g_meleeWhileSprinting type: int current: 0 help: Enables option to melee while sprinting, using left mouse button. variable: g_minplayerlimit type: int current: 2 help: Minimum number of players to start a match. variable: g_minteamlimit type: int current: 1 help: Minimum number of players in each team to start a match. variable: g_MPDeathCam type: int current: 1 help: Enables / disables the MP death camera (shows the killer's location) variable: g_mpSpeedRechargeDelay type: int current: 1 help: Toggles delay when sprinting below 20% energy. variable: g_playerFallAndPlay type: int current: 0 help: When enabled, the player doesn't die from direct damage, but goes to fall and play. variable: g_playerHealthValue type: int current: 100 help: Maximum player health. variable: g_playerInteractorRadius type: float current: 2 help: Maximum radius at which player can interact with other entities variable: g_playerLowHealthThreshold type: float current: 40 help: The player health threshold when the low health effect kicks in. variable: g_playerRespawns SAVEGAME type: int current: 0 help: Sets the player lives. variable: g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTime type: float current: 15 help: Modify suit health recharge for Player in armor mode. variable: g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTimeMoving type: float current: 30 help: Modify suit health recharge for Player moving in armor mode. variable: g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeDelay type: float current: 0 help: Delay of energy recharge after the player has been hit. variable: g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTime type: float current: 10 help: Modify suit energy recharge for Player. variable: g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmor type: float current: 10 help: Modify suit energy recharge for Player in singleplayer in armor mode. variable: g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmorMoving type: float current: 10 help: Modify suit energy recharge for Player in singleplayer in armor mode while moving. variable: g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeMultiplayer type: float current: 20 help: Modify suit energy recharge for Player in multiplayer. variable: g_playerSuitHealthRegenDelay type: float current: 0 help: Delay of health regeneration after the player has been hit. variable: g_playerSuitHealthRegenTime type: float current: 35 help: Modify suit health recharge for Player. variable: g_playerSuitHealthRegenTimeMoving type: float current: 35 help: Modify suit health recharge for moving Player. variable: g_pp_scale_income type: float current: 1 help: Scales incoming PP. variable: g_pp_scale_price type: float current: 1 help: Scales PP prices. variable: g_preroundtime type: int current: 8 help: Frozen time before round starts. Default is 8, 0 Disables freeze time. variable: g_procedural_breaking type: int current: 1 help: Toggles procedural mesh breaking (except explosion-breaking) variable: g_proneAimAngleRestrict_Enable type: int current: 1 help: Test fix for matching aim restrictions between 1st and 3rd person variable: g_proneNotUsableWeapon_FixType type: int current: 1 help: Test various fixes for not selecting hurricane while prone variable: g_PSTutorial_Enabled type: int current: 1 help: Enable/disable powerstruggle tutorial variable: g_punishFriendlyDeaths type: int current: 1 help: The player gets punished by death when killing a friendly unit. variable: g_quickGame_debug type: int current: 0 help: QuickGame option variable: g_quickGame_map DUMPTODISK type: string current: help: QuickGame option variable: g_quickGame_min_players DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: QuickGame option variable: g_quickGame_mode DUMPTODISK type: string current: PowerStruggle help: QuickGame option variable: g_quickGame_ping1_level DUMPTODISK type: int current: 80 help: QuickGame option variable: g_quickGame_ping2_level DUMPTODISK type: int current: 170 help: QuickGame option variable: g_quickGame_prefer_favorites DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: QuickGame option variable: g_quickGame_prefer_lan DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: QuickGame option variable: g_quickGame_prefer_mycountry DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: QuickGame option variable: g_radialBlur type: float current: 1 help: Radial blur on explosions. Default = 1, 0 to disable variable: g_ragdollDistance type: float current: 10 help: distance in meters that the player has to be away from the ragdoll before it can disappear variable: g_ragdollMinTime type: float current: 10 help: minimum time in seconds that a ragdoll will be visible variable: g_ragdollPollTime type: float current: 0.5 help: time in seconds where 'unseen' polling is done variable: g_ragdollUnseenTime type: float current: 2 help: time in seconds that the player has to look away from the ragdoll before it disappears variable: g_resetActionmapOnStart type: int current: 0 help: Resets Keyboard mapping on application start. variable: g_revivetime type: int current: 20 help: Revive wave timer. variable: g_roundlimit type: int current: 30 help: Maximum numbers of rounds to be played. Default is 0, 0 means no limit. variable: g_roundtime type: float current: 2 help: Duration of a round (in minutes). Default is 0, 0 means no time-limit. variable: g_show_laptop_status type: int current: 0 help: Show laptop status variable: g_show_laptop_status_test type: int current: 0 help: Show fake laptop status for testing variable: g_showIdleStats type: int current: 0 help: variable: g_showUpdateState type: int current: 0 help: Show the game object update state of any activated entities; 3-4 -- AI objects only variable: g_skipIntro type: int current: 0 help: Skip all the intro videos. variable: g_spectate_TeamOnly type: int current: 1 help: If true, you can only spectate players on your team variable: g_spectatorcollisions type: int current: 1 help: If set, spectator camera will not be able to pass through buildings variable: g_stanceTransitionSpeed type: float current: 15 help: Set speed of camera transition from stance to stance variable: g_startFirstTime DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: 1 before the game was started first time ever. variable: g_suddendeathtime type: int current: 30 help: Number of seconds before round end to start sudden death. Default if 30. 0 Disables sudden death. variable: g_suitArmorHealthValue type: float current: 200 help: This defines how much damage is reduced by 100% energy, not considering recharge. The value should be between 1 and . variable: g_suitCloakEnergyDrainAdjuster type: float current: 1 help: Multiplier for energy reduction in cloak mode. variable: g_suitRecoilEnergyCost type: float current: 15 help: Subtracted energy when weapon is fired in strength mode. variable: g_suitSpeedEnergyConsumption type: float current: 110 help: Energy reduction in speed mode per second. variable: g_suitSpeedEnergyConsumptionMultiplayer type: float current: 50 help: Energy reduction in speed mode per second in multiplayer. variable: g_suitSpeedMult type: float current: 1.85 help: Modify speed mode effect. variable: g_suitSpeedMultMultiplayer type: float current: 0.35 help: Modify speed mode effect for Multiplayer. variable: g_teamlock type: int current: 2 help: Number of players one team needs to have over the other, for the game to deny joining it. 0 disables. variable: g_tentacle_joint_limit type: float current: -1 help: forces specific tentacle limits; used for tweaking variable: g_timelimit type: float current: 60 help: Duration of a time-limited game (in minutes). Default is 0, 0 means no time-limit. variable: g_tk_punish type: int current: 1 help: Turns on punishment for team kills variable: g_tk_punish_limit type: int current: 5 help: Number of team kills user will be banned for variable: g_tree_cut_reuse_dist type: float current: 0 help: Maximum distance from a previously made cut that allows reusing variable: g_trooperBankingMultiplier DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: Trooper banking multiplier coeff (0..x) variable: g_trooperProneMinDistance DUMPTODISK type: float current: 10 help: Distance to move for trooper to switch to prone stance variable: g_trooperTentacleAnimBlend DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0 help: Trooper tentacle physic_anim blend (0..1) - overrides the physic_blend AG parameter when it's not 0 variable: g_useProfile type: int current: 1 help: Don't save anything to or load anything from profile. variable: g_VisibilityTimeout type: int current: 0 help: Adds visibility timeout to IsProbablyVisible() calculations variable: g_VisibilityTimeoutTime type: float current: 30 help: Visibility timeout time used by IsProbablyVisible() calculations variable: g_walkMultiplier SAVEGAME type: float current: 1 help: Modify movement speed variable: gpu_particle_physics REQUIRE_APP_RESTART type: int current: 0 help: Enable GPU physics if available (0=off / 1=enabled). variable: gt_debug type: int current: 0 help: Debug Game Tokens variable: gt_show type: int current: 0 help: Show Game Tokens with values started from specified parameter variable: h_drawSlippers type: int current: 0 help: Red ball when tentacle is lifted, green when on ground variable: h_turnSpeed type: float current: 1.3 help: variable: h_useIK type: int current: 1 help: Hunter uses always IK variable: hit_assistMultiplayerEnabled type: int current: 1 help: Enable/disable minimum damage hit assistance in multiplayer games variable: hit_assistSingleplayerEnabled type: int current: 1 help: Enable/disable minimum damage hit assistance variable: hr_dotAngle type: float current: 0.75 help: max angle for FOV change variable: hr_fovAmt type: float current: 0.03 help: goal FOV when hit variable: hr_fovTime type: float current: 0.05 help: fov time variable: hr_rotateFactor type: float current: -0.1 help: rotate factor variable: hr_rotateTime type: float current: 0.07 help: rotate time variable: hud_alienInterferenceStrength SAVEGAME type: float current: 0.8 help: Scales alien interference effect strength. variable: hud_aspectCorrection type: int current: 2 help: Aspect ratio corrections for controller rotation: 0-off, 1-direct, 2-inverse variable: hud_attachBoughEquipment type: int current: 0 help: Attach equipment in PS equipment packs to the last bought/selected weapon. variable: hud_binocsScanningWidth type: float current: 0.3 help: Defines the width/height in which the binocular raycasts are offset from the center to scan objects. variable: hud_chDamageIndicator type: int current: 1 help: Switch crosshair-damage indicator... (1 on, 0 off) variable: hud_colorLine type: int current: 4481854 help: HUD line color. variable: hud_colorOver type: int current: 14125840 help: HUD hovered color. variable: hud_colorText type: int current: 12386209 help: HUD text color. variable: hud_crosshair type: int current: 1 help: Select the crosshair (1-8) variable: hud_crosshair_enable type: int current: 1 help: Toggles singleplayer crosshair visibility. variable: hud_ctrl_Coeff_X type: float current: 12.25 help: Analog controller X rotation scale variable: hud_ctrl_Coeff_Z type: float current: 25 help: Analog controller Z rotation scale variable: hud_ctrl_Curve_X type: float current: 3 help: Analog controller X rotation curve variable: hud_ctrl_Curve_Z type: float current: 3 help: Analog controller Z rotation curve variable: hud_ctrlZoomMode type: int current: 0 help: Weapon aiming mode with controller. 0 is same as mouse zoom, 1 cancels at release variable: hud_enableAlienInterference SAVEGAME type: int current: 1 help: Switched the alien interference effect. variable: hud_faderDebug type: int current: 0 help: Show Debug Information for FullScreen Faders. variable: hud_godFadeTime type: int current: 3 help: sets the fade time of the god mode message variable: hud_mpNamesDuration type: int current: 2 help: MP names will fade after this duration. variable: hud_mpNamesFarDistance type: int current: 100 help: MP names will be fully invisible when farther than this. variable: hud_mpNamesNearDistance type: int current: 1 help: MP names will be fully visible when nearer than this. variable: hud_nightVisionConsumption type: float current: 0.5 help: Scales the energy consumption of the night vision. variable: hud_nightVisionRecharge type: float current: 2 help: Scales the energy recharge of the night vision. variable: hud_onScreenFarDistance type: int current: 500 help: On screen icons won't scale anymore, when farther than this. variable: hud_onScreenFarSize type: float current: 0.7 help: On screen icon size when farthest. variable: hud_onScreenNearDistance type: int current: 10 help: On screen icons won't scale anymore, when nearer than this. variable: hud_onScreenNearSize type: float current: 1.4 help: On screen icon size when nearest. variable: hud_panoramicHeight type: int current: 10 help: Set screen border for 'cinematic view' in percent. variable: hud_radarBackground type: int current: 1 help: Switches the miniMap-background for the radar. variable: hud_radarJammingEffectScale type: float current: 0.75 help: Scales the intensity of the radar jamming effect. variable: hud_radarJammingThreshold type: float current: 0.99 help: Threshold to disable the radar (independent from effect). variable: hud_radarScanningDelay type: float current: 0.55 help: Defines the delay in seconds the binoculars take to scan an object. variable: hud_showAllObjectives type: int current: 0 help: Show all on screen objectives, not only the active one. variable: hud_showBigVehicleReload type: int current: 0 help: Enables an additional reload bar around the crosshair in big vehicles. variable: hud_startPaused type: int current: 1 help: The game starts paused, waiting for user input. variable: hud_subtitles type: int current: 0 help: Subtitle mode. 0==Off, 1=All, 2=CutscenesOnly variable: hud_subtitlesDebug type: int current: 0 help: Debug subtitles variable: hud_subtitlesFontSize type: int current: 16 help: FontSize for Subtitles. variable: hud_subtitlesHeight type: int current: 10 help: Height of Subtitles in Percent. Normally same as hud_PanoramicHeight variable: hud_subtitlesQueueCount type: int current: 1 help: Maximum amount of subtitles in Update Queue variable: hud_subtitlesRenderMode type: int current: 0 help: Subtitle RenderMode. 0==Flash, 1=3DEngine variable: hud_subtitlesShowCharName type: int current: 1 help: Show Character talking along with Subtitle variable: hud_subtitlesVisibleCount type: int current: 1 help: Maximum amount of subtitles in Visible Queue variable: hud_voicemode type: int current: 1 help: Usage of the voice when switching of Nanosuit mode. variable: i_auto_turret_target type: int current: 1 help: Enables/Disables auto turrets aquiring targets. variable: i_auto_turret_target_tacshells type: int current: 0 help: Enables/Disables auto turrets aquiring TAC shells as targets variable: i_debug_mp_flowgraph type: int current: 0 help: Displays info on the MP flowgraph node variable: i_debug_projectiles type: int current: 0 help: Displays info about projectile status, where available. variable: i_debug_sounds type: int current: 0 help: Enable item sound debugging variable: i_debug_turrets type: int current: 0 help: Enable GunTurret debugging. Values: 0: off1: basics 2: prediction 3: sweeping 4: searching 5: deviation variable: i_debug_zoom_mods type: int current: 0 help: Use zoom mode spread/recoil mods variable: i_debuggun_1 DUMPTODISK type: string current: ai_statsTarget help: Command to execute on primary DebugGun fire variable: i_debuggun_2 DUMPTODISK type: string current: ag_debug help: Command to execute on secondary DebugGun fire variable: i_iceeffects type: int current: 0 help: Enable/Disable specific weapon effects for ice environments variable: i_lighteffects DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Enable/Disable lights spawned during item effects. variable: i_lying_item_limit type: int current: 64 help: Max number of items lying around in a level. Only works in multiplayer. variable: i_noweaponlimit type: int current: 0 help: Player can carry all weapons he wants variable: i_offset_front type: float current: 0 help: Item position front offset variable: i_offset_right type: float current: 0 help: Item position right offset variable: i_offset_up type: float current: 0 help: Item position up offset variable: i_particleeffects DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Enable/Disable particles spawned during item effects. variable: i_precache DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Enables precaching of items during level loading. variable: i_rejecteffects DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Enable/Disable ammo reject effects during weapon firing. variable: i_soundeffects DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Enable/Disable playing item sound effects. variable: i_staticfiresounds DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Enable/Disable static fire sounds. Static sounds are not unloaded when idle. variable: i_unlimitedammo type: int current: 0 help: unlimited ammo variable: int_moveZoomTime type: float current: 0.1 help: Number of seconds it takes to zoom out when moving. Default = 0.2 variable: int_zoomAmount type: float current: 0.75 help: Maximum zoom, between 0.0 and 1.0. Default = .75 variable: int_zoomInTime type: float current: 5 help: Number of seconds it takes to zoom in. Default = 5.0 variable: int_zoomOutTime type: float current: 0.1 help: Number of seconds it takes to zoom out when you stop firing. Default = 0.5 variable: log_FileVerbosity DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: defines the verbosity level for file log messages (if log_Verbosity defines higher value this one is used) 0=suppress all logs(except eAlways) 1=additional errors 2=additional warnings 3=additional messages 4=additional comments variable: log_IncludeTime type: int current: 0 help: Toggles time stamping of log entries. Usage: log_IncludeTime [0/1/2/3/4] 0=off (default) 1=current time 2=relative time 3=current+relative time 4=absolute time in seconds since this mode was started variable: log_Verbosity DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: defines the verbosity level for console log messages (use log_FileVerbosity for file logging) 0=suppress all logs(except eAlways) 1=additional errors 2=additional warnings 3=additional messages 4=additional comments variable: lua_debugger type: int current: 0 help: Enables the script debugger. 1 to trigger on breakpoints and errors 2 to only trigger on errors Usage: lua_debugger [0/1/2] variable: lua_stackonmalloc type: int current: 0 help: variable: lua_StopOnError type: int current: 0 help: Stops on error. variable: max_time_step type: float current: 0.25 help: Game systems clamped to this frame time variable: MemInfo type: int current: 0 help: Display memory information by modules variable: MemStats type: int current: 0 help: 0/x=refresh rate in milliseconds Use 1000 to switch on and 0 to switch off Usage: MemStats [0..] variable: MemStatsMaxDepth type: int current: 4 help: variable: MemStatsThreshold type: int current: 32000 help: variable: mfx_Debug type: int current: 0 help: Turns on MaterialEffects debug messages. 1=Collisions, 2=Breakage, 3=Both variable: mfx_Enable type: int current: 1 help: Enables MaterialEffects. variable: mfx_EnableFGEffects type: int current: 1 help: Enabled Flowgraph based Material effects. Default: On variable: mfx_ParticleImpactThresh type: float current: 2 help: Impact threshold for particle effects. Default: 2.0 variable: mfx_pfx_maxDist type: float current: 35 help: Max dist (how far away before scale is clamped) variable: mfx_pfx_maxScale type: float current: 1.5 help: Max scale (when particle is far) variable: mfx_pfx_minScale type: float current: 0.5 help: Min scale (when particle is close) variable: mfx_RaisedSoundImpactThresh type: float current: 3.5 help: Impact threshold for sound effects if we're rolling. Default: 3.5 variable: mfx_SerializeFGEffects type: int current: 1 help: Serialize Flowgraph based effects. Default: On variable: mfx_SoundImpactThresh type: float current: 1.5 help: Impact threshold for sound effects. Default: 1.5 variable: mfx_Timeout type: float current: 0.2 help: Timeout (in seconds) to avoid playing effects too often variable: net_backofftimeout type: int current: 360 help: Maximum time to allow a remote machine to stall for before disconnecting variable: net_bw_aggressiveness type: float current: 0.5 help: Balances TCP friendlyness versus prioritization of game traffic variable: net_channelstats type: int current: 0 help: Display bandwidth statistics per-channel variable: net_connectivity_detection_interval type: float current: 1 help: variable: net_defaultChannelBitRateDesired READONLY type: float current: 200000 help: variable: net_defaultChannelBitRateToleranceHigh READONLY type: float current: 0.001 help: variable: net_defaultChannelBitRateToleranceLow READONLY type: float current: 0.5 help: variable: net_defaultChannelIdlePacketRateDesired READONLY type: float current: 0.05 help: variable: net_defaultChannelPacketRateDesired READONLY type: float current: 50 help: variable: net_defaultChannelPacketRateToleranceHigh READONLY type: float current: 2 help: variable: net_defaultChannelPacketRateToleranceLow READONLY type: float current: 0.1 help: variable: net_disconnect_on_rmi_error DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Disconnect remote connections on script exceptions during RMI calls variable: net_enable_tfrc type: int current: 1 help: variable: net_enable_voice_chat REQUIRE_APP_RESTART type: int current: 1 help: variable: net_highlatencythreshold type: float current: 0.5 help: variable: net_highlatencytimelimit type: float current: 1.5 help: variable: net_inactivitytimeout type: float current: 30 help: Set's how many seconds without receiving a packet a connection will stay alive for (can only be set on server) variable: net_input_dump type: int current: 0 help: write net_input_trace output to a file (netinput.log) variable: net_input_trace type: string current: 0 help: trace an entities input processing to assist finding sync errors variable: net_lan_scanport_first DUMPTODISK type: int current: 64087 help: Starting port for LAN games scanning variable: net_lan_scanport_num DUMPTODISK type: int current: 5 help: Num ports for LAN games scanning variable: net_lanbrowser type: int current: 0 help: enable lan games browser variable: net_log type: int current: 0 help: Logging level of network system variable: net_log_remote_methods DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Log remote method invocations variable: net_phys_debug type: int current: 0 help: variable: net_phys_lagsmooth type: float current: 0.1 help: variable: net_phys_pingsmooth type: float current: 0.1 help: variable: net_rtt_convergence_factor type: int current: 995 help: variable: net_scheduler_debug type: string current: 0 help: Show scheduler debugger for some channel variable: net_stats_login DUMPTODISK type: string current: help: Login for reporting stats on dedicated server variable: net_stats_pass DUMPTODISK type: string current: help: Password for reporting stats on dedicated server variable: net_voice_lead_packets type: int current: 5 help: variable: net_voice_proximity type: float current: 0 help: variable: net_voice_trail_packets type: int current: 5 help: variable: p_accuracy_LCPCG type: float current: 0.005 help: Desired accuracy of LCP CG solver (velocity-related, m/s) variable: p_accuracy_LCPCG_no_improvement type: float current: 0.05 help: Required LCP CG accuracy that allows to stop if there was no improvement after p_max_LCPCG_fruitless_iters variable: p_accuracy_MC type: float current: 0.005 help: Desired accuracy of microcontact solver (velocity-related, m/s) variable: p_approx_caps_len type: float current: 1.2 help: Breakable trees are approximated with capsules of this length (0 disables approximation) variable: p_break_on_validation type: int current: 0 help: Toggles break on validation error. Usage: p_break_on_validation [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Issues DebugBreak() call in case of a physics parameter validation error. variable: p_characterik type: int current: 1 help: Toggles character IK. Usage: p_characterik [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable inverse kinematics. variable: p_collision_mode type: int current: 0 help: This variable is obsolete. variable: p_cull_distance type: float current: 100 help: Culling distance for physics helpers rendering variable: p_damping_group_size type: int current: 8 help: Sets contacting objects group size before group damping is used.Usage: p_damping_group_size 3 Used for internal tweaking only. variable: p_debug_explosions type: int current: 0 help: Turns on explosions debug mode variable: p_debug_joints type: int current: 0 help: If set, breakable objects will log tensions at the weakest spots variable: p_do_step type: int current: 0 help: Steps physics system forward when in single step mode. Usage: p_do_step 1 Default is 0 (off). Each 'p_do_step 1' instruction allows the physics system to advance a single step. variable: p_draw_helpers type: string current: 0 help: Same as p_draw_helpers_num, but encoded in letters Usage [Entity_Types]_[Helper_Types] - [t|s|r|R|l|i|g|a|y|e]_[g|c|b|l|t(#)] Entity Types: t - show terrain s - show static entities r - show sleeping rigid bodies R - show active rigid bodies l - show living entities i - show independent entities g - show triggers a - show areas y - show rays in RayWorldIntersection e - show explosion occlusion maps Helper Types g - show geometry c - show contact points b - show bounding boxes l - show tetrahedra lattices for breakable objects j - show structural joints (will force translucency on the main geometry) t(#) - show bounding volume trees up to the level # f(#) - only show geometries with this bit flag set (multiple f's stack) Example: p_draw_helpers larRis_g - show geometry for static, sleeping, active, independent entities and areas variable: p_draw_helpers_num type: int current: 0 help: Toggles display of various physical helpers. The value is a bitmask: bit 0 - show contact points bit 1 - show physical geometry bit 8 - show helpers for static objects bit 9 - show helpers for sleeping physicalized objects (rigid bodies, ragdolls) bit 10 - show helpers for active physicalized objects bit 11 - show helpers for players bit 12 - show helpers for independent entities (alive physical skeletons,particles,ropes) bits 16-31 - level of bounding volume trees to display (if 0, it just shows geometry) Examples: show static objects - 258, show active rigid bodies - 1026, show players - 2050 variable: p_enforce_contacts type: int current: 1 help: This variable is obsolete. variable: p_fixed_timestep type: float current: 0 help: Toggles fixed time step mode.Usage: p_fixed_timestep [0/1] Forces fixed time step when set to 1. When set to 0, the time step is variable, based on the frame rate. variable: p_fly_mode type: int current: 0 help: Toggles fly mode. Usage: p_fly_mode [0/1] variable: p_GEB_max_cells type: int current: 800 help: Specifies the cell number threshold after which GetEntitiesInBox issues a warning variable: p_gravity_z type: float current: -9.8 help: variable: p_group_damping type: float current: 0.5 help: Toggles damping for object groups. Usage: p_group_damping [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Used for internal tweaking only. variable: p_jump_to_profile_ent type: int current: 0 help: Move the local player next to the corresponding entity in the p_profile_entities list variable: p_lattice_max_iters type: int current: 100000 help: Limits the number of iterations of lattice tension solver variable: p_limit_simple_solver_energy type: int current: 1 help: Specifies whether the energy added by the simple solver is limited (0 or 1) variable: p_list_active_objects type: int current: 0 help: variable: p_log_lattice_tension type: int current: 0 help: If set, breakable objects will log tensions at the weakest spots variable: p_max_approx_caps type: int current: 7 help: Maximum number of capsule approximation levels for breakable trees variable: p_max_contact_gap type: float current: 0.01 help: Sets the gap, enforced whenever possible, between contacting physical objects.Usage: p_max_contact_gap 0.01 This variable is used for internal tweaking only. variable: p_max_contact_gap_player type: float current: 0.01 help: Sets the safe contact gap for player collisions with the physical environment.Usage: p_max_contact_gap_player 0.01 This variable is used for internal tweaking only. variable: p_max_contact_gap_simple type: float current: 0.03 help: Specifies the maximum contact gap for objects that use the simple solver variable: p_max_contacts type: int current: 150 help: Maximum contact number, after which contact reduction mode is activated variable: p_max_debris_mass type: float current: 10 help: Broken pieces with mass<=this limit use debris collision settings variable: p_max_entity_cells type: int current: 300000 help: Limits the number of entity grid cells an entity can occupy variable: p_max_LCPCG_contacts type: int current: 100 help: Maximum number of contacts that LCPCG solver is allowed to handle variable: p_max_LCPCG_fruitless_iters type: int current: 4 help: Maximum number of LCP CG iterations w/o improvement (defined by p_min_LCPCGimprovement) variable: p_max_LCPCG_iters type: int current: 5 help: Maximum number of LCP CG iterations variable: p_max_LCPCG_microiters type: int current: 12000 help: Limits the total number of per-contact iterations during one LCP CG iteration (number of microiters = number of subiters * number of contacts) variable: p_max_LCPCG_microiters_final type: int current: 25000 help: Same as p_max_LCPCG_microiters, but for the final LCP CG iteration variable: p_max_LCPCG_subiters type: int current: 120 help: Limits the number of LCP CG solver inner iterations (should be of the order of the number of contacts) variable: p_max_LCPCG_subiters_final type: int current: 250 help: Limits the number of LCP CG solver inner iterations during the final iteration (should be of the order of the number of contacts) variable: p_max_MC_iters type: int current: 6000 help: Specifies the maximum number of microcontact solver iterations variable: p_max_MC_mass_ratio type: float current: 100 help: Maximum mass ratio between objects in an island that MC solver is considered safe to handle variable: p_max_MC_vel type: float current: 15 help: Maximum object velocity in an island that MC solver is considered safe to handle variable: p_max_object_splashes type: int current: 0 help: Specifies how many splash events one entity is allowed to generate variable: p_max_plane_contacts type: int current: 8 help: Maximum number of contacts lying in one plane between two rigid bodies (the system tries to remove the least important contacts to get to this value) variable: p_max_plane_contacts_distress type: int current: 4 help: Same as p_max_plane_contacts, but is effective if total number of contacts is above p_max_contacts variable: p_max_player_velocity type: float current: 150 help: Clamps players' velocities to this value variable: p_max_substeps type: int current: 5 help: Limits the number of substeps allowed in variable time step mode. Usage: p_max_substeps 5 Objects that are not allowed to perform time steps beyond some value make several substeps. variable: p_max_substeps_large_group type: int current: 5 help: Limits the number of substeps large groups of objects can make variable: p_max_unproj_vel type: float current: 2.5 help: Limits the maximum unprojection velocity request variable: p_max_velocity type: float current: 100 help: Clamps physicalized objects' velocities to this value variable: p_max_world_step type: float current: 0.2 help: Specifies the maximum step physical world can make (larger steps will be truncated) variable: p_min_LCPCG_improvement type: float current: 0.05 help: Defines a required residual squared length improvement, in fractions of 1 variable: p_min_separation_speed type: float current: 0.02 help: Used a threshold in some places (namely, to determine when a particle goes to rest, and a sliding condition in microcontact solver) variable: p_net_angsnapmul type: float current: 0.01 help: Multiplier to expand the p_net_minsnapdot based on the objects angular velocity variable: p_net_minsnapdist type: float current: 0.1 help: Minimum distance between server position and client position at which to start snapping variable: p_net_minsnapdot type: float current: 0.99 help: Minimum quat dot product between server orientation and client orientation at which to start snapping variable: p_net_smoothtime type: float current: 5 help: How much time should non-snapped positions take to synchronize completely? variable: p_net_velsnapmul type: float current: 0.1 help: Multiplier to expand the p_net_minsnapdist based on the objects velocity variable: p_num_bodies_large_group type: int current: 30 help: Group size to be used with p_max_substeps_large_group, in bodies variable: p_penalty_scale type: float current: 0.3 help: Scales the penalty impulse for objects that use the simple solver variable: p_players_can_break type: int current: 0 help: Whether living entities are allowed to break static objects with breakable joints variable: p_profile_entities type: int current: 0 help: Enables per-entity time step profiling variable: p_profile_functions type: int current: 0 help: Enables detailed profiling of physical environment-sampling functions variable: p_prohibit_unprojection type: int current: 1 help: This variable is obsolete. variable: p_ray_fadein type: float current: 0.2 help: Fade-in time for ray physics helpers variable: p_ray_peak_time type: float current: 0 help: Rays that take longer then this (in ms) will use different color variable: p_single_step_mode type: int current: 0 help: Toggles physics system 'single step' mode.Usage: p_single_step_mode [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to switch physics system (except players) to single step mode. Each step must be explicitly requested with a 'p_do_step' instruction. variable: p_skip_redundant_colldet type: int current: 1 help: Specifies whether to skip furher collision checks between two convex objects using the simple solver when they have enough contacts between them variable: p_splash_dist0 type: float current: 7 help: Range start for splash event distance culling variable: p_splash_dist1 type: float current: 30 help: Range end for splash event distance culling variable: p_splash_force0 type: float current: 15000 help: Minimum water hit force to generate splash events at p_splash_dist0 variable: p_splash_force1 type: float current: 150000 help: Minimum water hit force to generate splash events at p_splash_dist1 variable: p_splash_vel0 type: float current: 4.5 help: Minimum water hit velocity to generate splash events at p_splash_dist0 variable: p_splash_vel1 type: float current: 10 help: Minimum water hit velocity to generate splash events at p_splash_dist1 variable: p_tick_breakable type: float current: 0.1 help: Sets the breakable objects structure update interval variable: p_time_granularity type: float current: 0.0001 help: Sets physical time step granularity. Usage: p_time_granularity [0..0.1] Used for internal tweaking only. variable: p_unproj_vel_scale type: float current: 10 help: Requested unprojection velocity is set equal to penetration depth multiplied by this number variable: p_use_distance_contacts type: int current: 0 help: Allows to use distance-based contacts (is forced off in multiplayer) variable: p_use_unproj_vel type: int current: 0 help: internal solver tweak variable: p_wireframe_distance type: float current: 5 help: Maximum distance at which wireframe is drawn on physics helpers variable: pl_curvingSlowdownSpeedScale type: float current: 0.5 help: Player only slowdown speedscale when curving/leaning extremely. variable: pl_debug_filter type: string current: help: variable: pl_debug_jumping type: int current: 0 help: variable: pl_debug_ladders type: int current: 0 help: variable: pl_debug_movement type: int current: 0 help: variable: pl_debugFallDamage type: int current: 0 help: Enables console output of fall damage information. variable: pl_fallDamage_SpeedBias type: float current: 1.5 help: Damage bias for medium fall speed: =1 linear, <1 more damage, >1 less damage. variable: pl_fallDamage_SpeedFatal type: float current: 13.7 help: Fatal fall speed in armor mode (13.5 m/s after falling freely for ca 20m). variable: pl_fallDamage_SpeedSafe type: float current: 8 help: Safe fall speed (in all modes, including strength jump on flat ground). variable: pl_inputAccel type: float current: 30 help: Movement input acceleration variable: pl_swimBackSpeedMul type: float current: 0.8 help: Swimming backwards speed mul. variable: pl_swimBaseSpeed type: float current: 4 help: Swimming base speed. variable: pl_swimJumpSpeedBaseMul type: float current: 1 help: Swimming speed normal jump velocity mul (dolphin rocket). variable: pl_swimJumpSpeedCost type: float current: 50 help: Swimming speed shift+jump energy cost (dolphin rocket). variable: pl_swimJumpSpeedSprintMul type: float current: 2.5 help: Swimming speed shift+jump velocity mul (dolphin rocket). variable: pl_swimJumpStrengthBaseMul type: float current: 1 help: Swimming strength normal jump velocity mul (dolphin rocket). variable: pl_swimJumpStrengthCost type: float current: 50 help: Swimming strength shift+jump energy cost (dolphin rocket). variable: pl_swimJumpStrengthSprintMul type: float current: 2.5 help: Swimming strength shift+jump velocity mul (dolphin rocket). variable: pl_swimNormalSprintSpeedMul type: float current: 1.5 help: Swimming Non-Speed sprint speed mul. variable: pl_swimSideSpeedMul type: float current: 0.9 help: Swimming sideways speed mul. variable: pl_swimSpeedSprintSpeedMul type: float current: 2.5 help: Swimming Speed sprint speed mul. variable: pl_swimUpSprintSpeedMul type: float current: 2 help: Swimming sprint while looking up (dolphin rocket). variable: pl_swimVertSpeedMul type: float current: 0.5 help: Swimming vertical speed mul. variable: pl_zeroGAimResponsiveness type: float current: 8 help: ZeroG aim responsiveness vs. inertia (default is 8.0). variable: pl_zeroGBaseSpeed type: float current: 3 help: Maximum player speed request limit for zeroG. variable: pl_zeroGDashEnergyConsumption type: float current: 0.25 help: Percentage consumed when doing a dash in ZeroG. variable: pl_zeroGEnableGBoots type: int current: 0 help: Switch G-Boots action on/off (if button assigned). variable: pl_zeroGEnableGyroFade type: int current: 2 help: Enable fadeout of gyro-stabilizer for vertical view angles (2=disable speed fade as well). variable: pl_zeroGFloatDuration type: float current: 1.25 help: Floating duration until full stop (after stopped thrusting). variable: pl_zeroGGyroFadeAngleInner type: float current: 20 help: ZeroG gyro inner angle (default is 20). variable: pl_zeroGGyroFadeAngleOuter type: float current: 60 help: ZeroG gyro outer angle (default is 60). variable: pl_zeroGGyroFadeExp type: float current: 2 help: ZeroG gyro angle bias (default is 2.0). variable: pl_zeroGGyroStrength type: float current: 1 help: ZeroG gyro strength (default is 1.0). variable: pl_zeroGParticleTrail type: int current: 0 help: Enable particle trail when in zerog. variable: pl_zeroGSpeedMaxSpeed type: float current: -1 help: (DEPRECATED) Maximum player speed request limit for zeroG while in speed mode. variable: pl_zeroGSpeedModeEnergyConsumption type: float current: 0.5 help: Percentage consumed per second while speed sprinting in ZeroG. variable: pl_zeroGSpeedMultNormal type: float current: 1.2 help: Modify movement speed in zeroG, in normal mode. variable: pl_zeroGSpeedMultNormalSprint type: float current: 1.7 help: Modify movement speed in zeroG, in normal sprint. variable: pl_zeroGSpeedMultSpeed type: float current: 1.7 help: Modify movement speed in zeroG, in speed mode. variable: pl_zeroGSpeedMultSpeedSprint type: float current: 5 help: Modify movement speed in zeroG, in speed sprint. variable: pl_zeroGSwitchableGyro type: int current: 0 help: MERGE/REVERT variable: pl_zeroGThrusterResponsiveness type: float current: 0.3 help: Thrusting responsiveness. variable: pl_zeroGUpDown type: float current: 1 help: Scales the z-axis movement speed in zeroG. variable: pp_RichSaveGames type: int current: 1 help: Enable RichSaveGame Format for SaveGames variable: pp_RSFDebugWrite type: int current: 0 help: When RichSaveGames are enabled, save plain XML Data alongside for debugging variable: pp_RSFDebugWriteOnLoad type: int current: 0 help: When RichSaveGames are enabled, save plain XML Data alongside for debugging when loading a savegame variable: profile type: int current: 0 help: Enable profiling. Usage: profile # Where # sets the profiling to: 0: Profiling off 1: Self Time 2: Hierarchical Time 3: Extended Self Time 4: Extended Hierarchical Time 5: Peaks Time 6: Subsystem Info 7: Calls Numbers 8: Standard Deviation -1: Profiling enabled, but not displayed Default is 0 (off). variable: profile_allthreads type: int current: 0 help: Enables profiling of non-main threads. variable: profile_callstack type: int current: 0 help: Logs all Call Stacks of the selected profiler function for one frame variable: profile_filter type: string current: help: Profiles a specified subsystem. Usage: profile_filter subsystem Where 'subsystem' may be: Renderer 3DEngine Animation AI Entity Physics Sound System Game Editor Script Network variable: profile_graph type: int current: 0 help: Enable drawing of profiling graph. variable: profile_graphScale type: float current: 100 help: Sets the scale of profiling histograms. Usage: profileGraphScale 100 variable: profile_log type: int current: 0 help: Logs profiler output variable: profile_network type: int current: 0 help: Enables network profiling. variable: profile_pagefaults type: int current: 0 help: Enable drawing of page faults graph. variable: profile_peak type: float current: 10 help: Profiler Peaks Tolerance in Milliseconds. variable: profile_sampler type: float current: 0 help: Set to 1 to start sampling profiling variable: profile_sampler_max_samples type: float current: 2000 help: Number of samples to collect for sampling profiler variable: profile_smooth type: float current: 0.35 help: Profiler exponential smoothing interval (seconds). variable: profile_threads type: int current: 0 help: Enables Threads Profiler (should be deactivated for final product) The C++ function CryThreadSetName(threadid,"Name") needs to be called on thread creation. o=off, 1=only active thready, 2+=show all threads Threads profiling may not work on all combinations of OS and CPUs (does not not on Win64) Usage: profile_threads [0/1/2+] variable: profile_weighting type: int current: 0 help: Profiler smoothing mode: 0 = legacy, 1 = average, 2 = peak weighted, 3 = peak hold. variable: r_ATOC DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_Beams type: int current: 3 help: Toggles light beams. Usage: r_Beams [0/1/2/3] Default is 3 (optimized beams with glow support). Set to 0 to disable beams or 2 to use fake beams. Set 1 for real beams, full resolution (slower). Set to 3 to use optimized and with glow support beams. variable: r_BeamsDistFactor type: float current: 0.01 help: Distance between slices. Usage: r_BeamsDistFactor [fValue] Default is 0.01 (0.01 meters between slices). variable: r_BeamsHelpers type: int current: 0 help: Toggles light beams helpers drawing. Usage: r_BeamsHelpers [0/1] Default is 0 (disabled helpers). Set to 1 to enable drawing helpers. variable: r_BeamsMaxSlices type: int current: 200 help: Number of volumetric slices allowed per light beam. Usage: r_BeamsMaxSlices [1-300] Default is 200 (high-spec). variable: r_BeamsSoftClip type: int current: 1 help: Toggles light beams clip type. Usage: r_BeamsSoftClip [0/1] Default is 1 (software clip beams). Set to 0 to enable hardware clipping. variable: r_Brightness DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.5 help: Sets the diplay brightness. Usage: r_Brightness 0.5 Default is 0.5. variable: r_Character_NoDeform type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_CloudsDebug type: int current: 0 help: Toggles debugging mode for clouds.Usage: r_CloudsDebug [0/1/2] Usage: r_CloudsDebug = 1: render just screen imposters Usage: r_CloudsDebug = 2: render just non-screen imposters Default is 0 (off) variable: r_CloudsUpdateAlways type: int current: 0 help: Toggles updating of clouds each frame. Usage: r_CloudsUpdateAlways [0/1] Default is 0 (off. variable: r_ColorBits DUMPTODISK type: int current: 32 help: Sets the color resolution, in bits per pixel. Default is 32. Usage: r_ColorBits [32/24/16/8] variable: r_ColorGrading type: int current: 1 help: Enables color grading. Usage: r_ColorGrading [0/1] variable: r_ColorGradingDof type: int current: 1 help: Enables color grading dof control. Usage: r_ColorGradingDof [0/1] variable: r_ColorGradingFilters type: int current: 1 help: Enables color grading. Usage: r_ColorGradingFilters [0/1] variable: r_ColorGradingLevels type: int current: 1 help: Enables color grading. Usage: r_ColorGradingLevels [0/1] variable: r_ColorGradingSelectiveColor type: int current: 1 help: Enables color grading. Usage: r_ColorGradingSelectiveColor [0/1] variable: r_Contrast DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.5 help: Sets the diplay contrast. Usage: r_Contrast 0.5 Default is 0.5. variable: r_CoronaColorScale type: float current: 1 help: variable: r_CoronaFade type: float current: 0.5 help: Time fading factor of the light coronas. Usage: r_CoronaFade 0.5Default is 0.5. variable: r_Coronas DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Toggles light coronas around light sources. Usage: r_Coronas [0/1]Default is 1 (on). variable: r_CoronaSizeScale type: float current: 1 help: variable: r_CullByClipPlanes type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_CullGeometryForLights type: int current: 0 help: Rendering optimization for lights. Usage: r_CullGeometryForLights [0/1/2] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to cull geometry behind light sources. Set to 2 to cull geometry behind static lights only. variable: r_CustomVisions type: int current: 1 help: Enables custom visions, like heatvision, binocular view, etc. Usage: r_CustomVisions [0/1] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 enables variable: r_DebugLights type: int current: 0 help: Display dynamic lights for debugging. Usage: r_DebugLights [0/1/2/3] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to display centres of light sources, or set to 2 to display light centres and attenuation spheres, 3 to get light properties to the screen variable: r_DebugRefraction type: int current: 0 help: Debug refraction usage. Displays red instead of refraction Usage: r_DebugRefraction Default is 0 (off) variable: r_DebugRenderMode type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_DebugScreenEffects type: int current: 0 help: Debugs screen effects textures. Usage: r_DebugScreenEffects # Where # represents: 0: disabled (default) 1: enabled variable: r_DepthBits DUMPTODISK type: int current: 32 help: variable: r_DepthOfField type: int current: 1 help: Enables depth of field. Usage: r_DepthOfField [0/1/2] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 enables, 2 enables and overrides game settings variable: r_DetailDistance DUMPTODISK type: float current: 6 help: Distance used for per-pixel detail layers blending. Usage: r_DetailDistance (1-20) Default is 6. variable: r_DetailNumLayers DUMPTODISK type: int current: 2 help: Sets the number of detail layers per surface. Usage: r_DetailNumLayers 2 Default is 2. variable: r_DetailScale type: float current: 8 help: Sets the default scaling for detail overlays. Usage: r_DetailScale 8 Default is 8. This scale applies only if the object's detail scale was not previously defined (in MAX). variable: r_DetailTextures DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Toggles detail texture overlays. Usage: r_DetailTextures [0/1] Default is 1 (detail textures on). variable: r_DisplayInfo DUMPTODISK, RESTRICTEDMODE type: int current: 0 help: Toggles debugging information display. Usage: r_DisplayInfo [0=off/1=show/2=enhanced] variable: r_distant_rain type: int current: 1 help: Enables distant rain rendering. Usage: r_distant_rain [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable. variable: r_DrawNearFoV type: int current: 60 help: Sets the FoV for drawing of near objects. Usage: r_DrawNearFoV [n] Default is 60. variable: r_Driver DUMPTODISK type: string current: NULL help: Sets the renderer driver ( OpenGL/DX9/DX10/AUTO/NULL ). Default is DX10 on Vista and DX9 otherwise. Specify in system.cfg like this: r_Driver = "DX10" variable: r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize type: int current: 24 help: variable: r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize type: int current: 32 help: variable: r_DynTexMaxSize type: int current: 48 help: variable: r_EnvCMResolution DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Sets resolution for target environment cubemap, in pixels. Usage: r_EnvCMResolution # where # represents: 0: 64 1: 128 2: 256 Default is 2 (256 by 256 pixels). variable: r_EnvCMupdateInterval DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.04 help: Sets the interval between environmental cube map texture updates. Usage: r_EnvCMupdateInterval # Default is 0.1. variable: r_EnvCMWrite type: int current: 0 help: Writes cube-map textures to disk. Usage: r_EnvCMWrite [0/1] Default is 0 (off). The textures are written to 'Cube_posx.jpg' 'Cube_negx.jpg',...,'Cube_negz.jpg'. At least one of the real-time cube-map shaders should be present in the current scene. variable: r_EnvLCMupdateInterval DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.1 help: LEGACY - not used variable: r_EnvLightCMDebug type: int current: 0 help: Draw debug cube for env radiosity. Usage: r_EnvLightCMDebug [0/1] Default is 0 (off). variable: r_EnvTexResolution DUMPTODISK type: int current: 3 help: Sets resolution for 2d target environment texture, in pixels. Usage: r_EnvTexResolution # where # represents: 0: 64 1: 128 2: 256 3: 512 Default is 3 (512 by 512 pixels). variable: r_EnvTexUpdateInterval DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.001 help: Sets the interval between environmental 2d texture updates. Usage: r_EnvTexUpdateInterval 0.001 Default is 0.001. variable: r_ExcludeShader type: string current: 0 help: Exclude the named shader from the render list. Usage: r_ExcludeShader ShaderName Sometimes this is useful when debugging. variable: r_EyeAdaptationBase type: float current: 0.25 help: HDR rendering eye adaptation base value (smaller values result in brighter adaption) Usage: r_EyeAdaptationBase [Value] variable: r_EyeAdaptationFactor DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.5 help: HDR rendering eye adaptation factor (0 means no adaption to current scene luminance, 1 means full adaption) Usage: r_HDREyeAdaptionFactor [Value] Default is 0.5 variable: r_EyeAdaptionBase DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0 help: HDR eye adaption property (0..1) Usage: r_EyeAdaptionBase [Value] Default is 0.0 variable: r_EyeAdaptionClamp DUMPTODISK type: float current: 4 help: HDR eye adaption property (0=full clamp .. ) unfinished feature - value around 3 is good, big values e.g. 10 to disable the clamp Usage: r_EyeAdaptionClamp [Value] Default is 4 variable: r_EyeAdaptionMax DUMPTODISK type: float current: 4 help: HDR eye adaption property (0..128) Usage: r_EyeAdaptionMax [Value] Default is 4 variable: r_EyeAdaptionMin DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.1 help: HDR eye adaption property (0..128) Usage: r_EyeAdaptionMin [Value] Default is 0.1 variable: r_EyeAdaptionScale DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: HDR eye adaption property (0..1, to scale the final result) Usage: r_EyeAdaptionScale [Value] Default is 1.0 variable: r_EyeAdaptionSpeed DUMPTODISK type: float current: 50 help: HDR eye adaption property (percent of adaption per second) Usage: r_EyeAdaptionMax [Value] Default is 50 variable: r_FillLights type: int current: 1 help: Activate simple differed light sources usage variable: r_FillLightsDebug type: int current: 0 help: Visualize fill lights as spheres variable: r_FillLightsMode type: int current: 14 help: Fill lights mode variable: r_Flares DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Toggles sunlight lens flare effect. Usage: r_Flares [0/1] Default is 1 (on). variable: r_Flush type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_Force3DcEmulation type: int current: 2 help: Specifies renderer behavior for the 3Dc (compressed normal maps) emulation (DX9 only). (Emulation: DXT5, less quality but same memory requirements) 0=use only if driver doesn't support 3Dc 1=enforce on any hardware 2=use only if hardware doesn't support 3Dc Usage: r_Force3DcEmulation [0/1/2] variable: r_FSAA DUMPTODISK, REQUIRE_APP_RESTART type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_FSAA_quality DUMPTODISK, REQUIRE_APP_RESTART type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_FSAA_samples DUMPTODISK, REQUIRE_APP_RESTART type: int current: 4 help: variable: r_Fullscreen DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Toggles fullscreen mode. Default is 1 in normal game and 0 in DevMode. Usage: r_Fullscreen [0=window/1=fullscreen] variable: r_Gamma DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: Adjusts the graphics card gamma correction (fast, needs hardware support, affects also HUD and desktop) Usage: r_Gamma 1.0 1 off (default), try values like 1.6 or 2.2 variable: r_GeomInstancingThreshold type: int current: 0 help: If the instance count gets bigger than the specified value the instancing feature is used. Usage: r_GeomInstancingThreshold [Num] Default is 0 (automatic depending on hardware, used value can be found in the log) variable: r_GetScreenShot type: int current: 0 help: To capture one screenshot (variable is set to 0 after capturing) 0=do not take a screenshot (default), 1=save a screenshot (together with .HDR if enabled), 2=save a screenshot variable: r_GlitterAmount type: int current: 1024 help: Sets amount of glitter sprites. Usage: r_GlitterAmount n (default is 1024) Where n represents a number: eg: 256 variable: r_GlitterSize type: float current: 1 help: Sets glitter sprite size. Usage: r_GlitterSize n (default is 1) Where n represents a number: eg: 0.5 variable: r_GlitterSpecularPow type: float current: 2 help: Sets glitter specular power. Usage: r_GlitterSpecularPow n (default is 2.0f) Where n represents a number: eg: 16.0 variable: r_GlitterVariation type: float current: 1 help: Sets glitter variation. Usage: r_GlitterVariation n (default is 1) Where n represents a number: eg: 0.5 variable: r_Glow type: int current: 1 help: Toggles the glow effect. Usage: r_Glow [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to enable glow effect. variable: r_GlowScreenMultiplier type: float current: 0.5 help: Sets fullscreen glow multiplier. Usage: r_GlowScreenMultiplier [value] Default is 0.5 variable: r_GlowScreenThreshold type: float current: 0.5 help: Sets fullscreen glow threshold. Usage: r_GlowScreenThreshold [value] Default is 0.5 variable: r_GraphStyle type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_HairSortingQuality type: int current: 1 help: Enables higher quality hair sorting. Usage: r_HairSortingQuality [0/1] variable: r_HDRAllowNonFP type: int current: 0 help: Selects HDR FP blending. Usage: r_HDRAllowNonFP [0/1] Default is 0. Set to 1 to enable. variable: r_HDRBrightOffset DUMPTODISK type: float current: 6 help: HDR rendering bright offset. Usage: r_HDRBrightOffset [Value] Default is 6.0f variable: r_HDRBrightThreshold DUMPTODISK type: float current: 3 help: HDR rendering bright threshold. Usage: r_HDRBrightThreshold [Value] Default is 3.0f variable: r_HDRDebug type: int current: 0 help: Toggles HDR debugging info (to debug HDR/eye adaptaion) Usage: r_HDRDebug [0/1/2] 0 off (default) 1 to show some internal HDR textures on the screen 2 to identify illegal colors (grey=normal, red=NotANumber, green=negative) variable: r_HDRHistogram type: int current: 0 help: Toggles HDR luminance measuring using histogram. Usage: r_HDRHistogram [0/1/2/3] Default is 1 (min/avg/max), 2 (min is set to 0), 3 (linear adjust between 0 and max), 0 to diable variable: r_HDRLevel DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.6 help: HDR rendering level (bloom multiplier, tweak together with threshold) Usage: r_HDRLevel [Value] Default is 0.6 variable: r_HDRRendering DUMPTODISK type: int current: 2 help: Toggles HDR rendering. Usage: r_HDRRendering [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable HDR rendering. variable: r_HDRType type: int current: 1 help: Selects HDR type. Usage: r_HDRType [0/1/2] Default is 1 (OpenEXR). Set to 0 to disable. variable: r_Height DUMPTODISK type: int current: 768 help: Sets the display height, in pixels. Default is 768. Usage: r_Height [600/768/..] variable: r_ImposterRatio type: float current: 1 help: Allows to scale the texture resolution of imposters (clouds) Usage: r_ImposterRatio [1..] Default is 1 (1:1 normal). Bigger values can help to save texture space (e.g. value 2 results in 1/3 texture memory usage) variable: r_ImpostersDraw type: int current: 1 help: Toggles imposters drawing. Usage: r_ImpostersDraw [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable imposters. variable: r_ImpostersUpdatePerFrame type: int current: 6000 help: How many kilobytes to update per-frame. Usage: r_ImpostersUpdatePerFrame [1000-30000] Default is 6000 (6 megabytes). variable: r_LightsSinglePass type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_LightVolumesDebug type: int current: 0 help: 0=Disable 1=Enable Usage: r_LightVolumesDebug[0/1] variable: r_Log type: int current: 0 help: Logs rendering information to Direct3DLog.txt. Usage: r_Log [0/1/2/3/4] 1: Logs a list of all shaders without profile info. 2: Log contains a list of all shaders with profile info. 3: Logs all API function calls. 4: Highly detailed pipeline log, including all passes, states, lights and pixel/vertex shaders. Default is 0 (off). Use this function carefully, because log files grow very quickly. variable: r_LogShaders type: int current: 0 help: Logs shaders info to Direct3DLogShaders.txt 0: off 1: normal 2: extended variable: r_LogTexStreaming type: int current: 0 help: Logs streaming info to Direct3DLogStreaming.txt 0: off 1: normal 2: extended variable: r_LogVBuffers type: int current: 0 help: Logs vertex buffers in memory to 'LogVBuffers.txt'. Usage: r_LogVBuffers [0/1] Default is 0 (off). variable: r_MeasureOverdraw type: int current: 0 help: 0=off, 1=activate special rendering mode that visualize the rendering cost per pixel by colour Usage: r_MeasureOverdraw [0/1] variable: r_MeasureOverdrawScale type: float current: 1.5 help: variable: r_MergeRenderChunksForDepth type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_MeshPrecache type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_MeshShort type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_MotionBlur type: int current: 1 help: Enables per object and screen motion blur. Usage: r_MotionBlur [0/1/2/3/4/101/102/103/104] Default is 1 (screen motion blur on). 1 enables screen motion blur. 2 enables screen and object motion blur. 3 all motion blur and freezing. 4. only per object; modes above 100 also enable motion blur in multiplayer variable: r_MotionBlurFrameTimeScale type: int current: 1 help: Enables motion blur.frame time scalling - visually nicer on lower frame rates Usage: r_MotionBlurFrameTimeScale [0/1] variable: r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed type: float current: 0.015 help: Sets motion blur camera shutter speed. Usage: r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed [0...1] Default is 0.015f. variable: r_MultiGPU type: int current: 2 help: 0=disabled, 1=extra overhead to allow SLI(NVidia) or Crossfire(ATI), 2(default)=automatic detection (currently SLI only, means off for ATI) should be activated before rendering variable: r_NightVision type: int current: 1 help: Toggles nightvision enabling. Usage: r_NightVision [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to completely disable nightvision. variable: r_NoDrawNear type: int current: 0 help: Disable drawing of near objects. Usage: r_NoDrawNear [0/1] Default is 0 (near objects are drawn). variable: r_NoDrawShaders type: int current: 0 help: Disable entire render pipeline. Usage: r_NoDrawShaders [0/1] Default is 0 (render pipeline enabled). Used for debugging and profiling. variable: r_NoHWGamma DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Sets renderer to ignore hardware gamma correction. Usage: r_NoHWGamma [0/1] Default is 0 (allow hardware gamma correction). variable: r_NoLoadTextures type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_NoPreprocess type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_NormalsLength type: float current: 0.1 help: Sets the length of displayed vectors. r_NormalsLength 0.1 Default is 0.1 (metres). Used with r_ShowTangents and r_ShowNormals. variable: r_OceanHeightScale type: int current: 4 help: variable: r_OceanLodDist type: int current: 100 help: variable: r_OceanMaxSplashes type: int current: 8 help: variable: r_OceanRendType type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_OceanSectorSize type: int current: 128 help: variable: r_OceanSplashScale type: float current: 1 help: variable: r_OceanTexUpdate type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_OptimisedLightSetup type: int current: 2 help: variable: r_PolygonMode type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_PostProcessEffects type: int current: 1 help: Enables post processing special effects. Usage: r_PostProcessEffects [0/1/2] Default is 1 (enabled). 2 enables and displays active effects variable: r_PostProcessEffectsFilters type: int current: 1 help: Enables post processing special effects filters. Usage: r_PostProcessEffectsFilters [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled). 0 disabled variable: r_PostProcessEffectsGameFx type: int current: 1 help: Enables post processing special effects game fx. Usage: r_PostProcessEffectsGameFx [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled). 0 disabled variable: r_PostProcessEffectsParamsBlending type: int current: 1 help: Enables post processing effects parameters smooth blending Usage: r_PostProcessEffectsParamsBlending [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled). variable: r_PostProcessEffectsReset type: int current: 0 help: Enables post processing special effects reset. Usage: r_PostProcessEffectsReset [0/1] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 enabled variable: r_PostProcessProfileFillrate type: int current: 0 help: Enables profile fillrate. Usage: r_PostProcessProfileFillrate [0/1] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 enabled variable: r_PrintMemoryLeaks type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_ProfileDIPs type: int current: 1 help: 0=disabled, 1=profile each DIP performance (may cause very low frame rate) r_ProfileShaders needs to be activated to see the statistics variable: r_ProfileShaders type: int current: 0 help: Enables display of render profiling information. Usage: r_ProfileShaders [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to display profiling of rendered shaders. variable: r_ProfileShadersSmooth type: int current: 2 help: Enables display of render profiling information. Usage: r_ProfileShaders [0/1] Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to display profiling of rendered shaders. variable: r_Rain type: int current: 1 help: Enables rain rendering Usage: r_Rain [0/1/2] Default is 0 (disabled). 1 enables. 2 enables rain and rain fins variable: r_RainMaxViewDist type: float current: 32 help: Sets rain max view distance Usage: r_RainMaxViewDist variable: r_RAM type: int current: 1 help: Toggles Realtime Ambient Maps variable: r_RC_AutoInvoke type: int current: 0 help: Enable calling the resource compiler (rc.exe) to compile TIF file to DDS files if the date check showes that the destination is older or does not exist. Usage: r_RC_AutoInvoke 0 (default is 1) variable: r_Reflections DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Toggles reflections. Usage: r_Reflections [0/1] Default is 1 (reflects). variable: r_ReflectionsOffset type: float current: 0 help: variable: r_ReflectionsQuality DUMPTODISK type: int current: 3 help: Toggles reflections quality. Usage: r_ReflectionsQuality [0/1/2/3] Default is 0 (terrain only), 1 (terrain + particles), 2 (terrain + particles + brushes), 3 (everything) variable: r_refraction type: int current: 1 help: Enables refraction. Usage: r_refraction [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable. variable: r_ReleaseAllResourcesOnExit type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_ReloadShaders type: int current: 0 help: Reloads shaders. Usage: r_ReloadShaders [0/1] Default is 0. Set to 1 to reload shaders. variable: r_Scissor type: int current: 1 help: Enables scissor test variable: r_ShadersAlwaysUseColors type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_ShadersAsyncCompiling type: int current: 1 help: Enable asynchronous shader compiling Usage: r_ShadersAsyncCompiling [0/1] 0 = off, (stalling) shadering compiling 1 = on, shaders are compiled in parallel, missing shaders are rendered in yellow 2 = on, shaders are compiled in parallel, missing shaders are not rendered variable: r_ShadersAsyncMaxThreads DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_ShadersCacheOptimiseLog type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_ShadersDebug DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enable special logging when shaders become compiled Usage: r_ShadersDebug [0/1/2/3] 1 = assembly into directory Main/Game/shaders/cache/d3d9 2 = compiler input into directory Main/Game/testcg 3 = compiler input into directory Main/Game/testcg_1pass Default is 0 (off) variable: r_ShadersDynamicBranching type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_ShadersIgnoreIncludesChanging type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_ShadersIntCompiler DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_ShadersPreactivate DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_ShadersPrecacheAllLights type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_ShadersStaticBranching type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_ShadersUserFolder type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_ShadowBlur DUMPTODISK type: int current: 3 help: Selected shadow map screenspace blurring technique. Usage: r_ShadowBlur [0=no blurring(fastest)/1=blur/2=blur/3=blur without leaking(slower)] variable: r_ShadowBluriness DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: Select shadow map bluriness if r_ShadowBlur is activated. Usage: r_ShadowBluriness [0.1 - 16] variable: r_ShadowGen type: int current: 1 help: 0=disable shadow map updates, 1=enable shadow map updates variable: r_ShadowGenGS DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Use geometry shader for shadow map generation (DX10 only, don't change at runtime) Usage: r_ShadowGenGS [0=off, 1=on] variable: r_ShadowGenMode type: int current: 0 help: 0=Use Frustums Mask 1=Regenerate all sides Usage: r_ShadowGenMode [0/1] variable: r_ShadowJittering type: float current: 3.4 help: Activate shadow map jittering. Usage: r_ShadowJittering [0=off, 1=on] variable: r_ShadowPass type: int current: 1 help: Process shadow pass variable: r_ShadowsBias DUMPTODISK type: float current: 8e-005 help: Select shadow map bluriness if r_ShadowsBias is activated. Usage: r_ShadowsBias [0.1 - 16] variable: r_ShadowsDeferredMode type: int current: 1 help: 0=Quad light bounds 1=Use light volumes Usage: r_ShadowsDeferredMode [0/1] variable: r_ShadowsDepthBoundNV type: int current: 0 help: 1=use NV Depth Bound extension Usage: CV_r_ShadowsDepthBoundNV [0/1] variable: r_ShadowsForwardPass type: int current: 1 help: 1=use Forward prepare depth maps pass Usage: CV_r_ShadowsForwardPass [0/1] variable: r_ShadowsGridAligned DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Selects algorithm to use for shadow mask generation: 0 - Disable shadows snapping 1 - Enable shadows snapping variable: r_ShadowsMaskDownScale type: int current: 0 help: Saves video memory by using lower resolution for shadow masks except first one 0=per pixel shadow mask 1=half resolution shadow mask Usage: r_ShadowsMaskDownScale [0/1] variable: r_ShadowsMaskResolution type: int current: 0 help: 0=per pixel shadow mask 1=horizontal half resolution shadow mask 2=horizontal and vertical half resolution shadow mask Usage: r_ShadowsMaskResolution [0/1/2] variable: r_ShadowsSlopeScaleBias DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1.8 help: Select shadow map bluriness if r_ShadowBlur is activated. Usage: r_ShadowBluriness [0.1 - 16] variable: r_ShadowsStencilPrePass type: int current: 1 help: 1=Use Stencil pre-pass for shadows Usage: r_ShadowsStencilPrePass [0/1] variable: r_ShadowTexFormat type: int current: 4 help: 0=use R16G16 texture format for depth map, 1=try to use R16 format if supported as render target 2=use R32F texture format for depth map 3=use ATI's DF24 texture format for depth map 4=use NVIDIA's D24S8 texture format for depth map 5=use NVIDIA's D16 texture format for depth map Usage: r_ShadowTexFormat [0-5] variable: r_ShowDynTextureFilter type: string current: * help: Usage: r_ShowDynTextureFilter *end Usage: r_ShowDynTextureFilter *mid* Usage: r_ShowDynTextureFilter start* Default is *. Set to 'pattern' to show only specific textures (activate r_ShowDynTextures) variable: r_ShowDynTextures type: int current: 0 help: Display a dyn. textures, filtered by r_ShowDynTextureFilter Usage: r_ShowDynTextures 0/1/2 Default is 0. Set to 1 to show all dynamic textures or 2 to display only the ones used in this frame variable: r_ShowLight type: string current: 0 help: Display a light source by name. Usage: r_ShowLight lightname Default is 0. Set to 'lightname' to show only the light from the source named 'lightname'. variable: r_ShowLightBounds type: int current: 0 help: Display light bounds - for debug purpose Usage: r_ShowLightBounds [0=off/1=on] variable: r_ShowLines type: int current: 0 help: Toggles visibility of wireframe overlay. Usage: r_ShowLines [0/1]Default is 0 (off). variable: r_ShowLumHistogram type: int current: 0 help: Configures graphic display of luminance histogram. Usage: r_ShowLumHistogram [0/1/2] 1: Graph displayed as points. 2: Graph displayed as lines.Default is 0 (off). variable: r_ShowNormals type: int current: 0 help: Toggles visibility of normal vectors. Usage: r_ShowNormals [0/1]Default is 0 (off). variable: r_ShowOnlyShader type: string current: 0 help: Render only the named shader, ignoring all others. Usage: r_ShowOnlyShader ShaderName variable: r_ShowRenderTarget type: int current: 0 help: Displays special render targets - for debug purpose Usage: r_Log [0=off/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9] 1: m_Text_ZTarget 2: m_Text_SceneTarget 3: m_Text_ScreenShadowMap[0] 4: m_Text_ScreenShadowMap[1] 5: m_Text_ScreenShadowMap[2] 6: gTexture 7: gTexture2 8: m_Text_ScatterLayer 9: pEnvTex->m_pTex->m_pTexture 10: m_Text_LightInfo[0] 11: SSAO render target 16: Downscaled depth target for SSAO variable: r_ShowRenderTarget_FullScreen type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_ShowTangents type: int current: 0 help: Toggles visibility of three tangent space vectors. Usage: r_ShowTangents [0/1] Default is 0 (off). variable: r_ShowTexTimeGraph type: int current: 0 help: Configures graphic display of frame-times. Usage: r_ShowTexTimeGraph [0/1/2] 1: Graph displayed as points. 2: Graph displayed as lines.Default is 0 (off). variable: r_ShowTimeGraph type: int current: 0 help: Configures graphic display of frame-times. Usage: r_ShowTimeGraph [0/1/2] 1: Graph displayed as points. 2: Graph displayed as lines.Default is 0 (off). variable: r_ShowVideoMemoryStats type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_SSAO type: int current: 1 help: Enable ambient occlusion variable: r_SSAO_amount type: float current: 1 help: Controls how much SSAO affects ambient variable: r_SSAO_blur type: int current: 4 help: SSAO mask blur variable: r_SSAO_blurriness type: float current: 1 help: SSAO post-blur kernel size variable: r_SSAO_darkening type: float current: 0.075 help: Controls how much SSAO darkens flat open surfaces variable: r_SSAO_depth_range type: float current: 0.99999 help: Use depth test to avoid SSAO computations on sky, 0 = disabled variable: r_SSAO_downscale_result_mask type: int current: 0 help: Downscale final mask variable: r_SSAO_downscale_ztarget type: int current: 1 help: Use downscaled version of z-target variable: r_SSAO_quality type: int current: 2 help: SSAO shader quality variable: r_SSAO_radius type: float current: 2 help: Controls size of area tested variable: r_Stats type: int current: 0 help: Toggles render statistics. 0=disabled, 1=global render stats, 2=print shaders for selected object, 11=print info about used RT's (switches), 12=print info about used unique RT's, 13=print info about cleared RT's Usage: r_Stats [0/1/2/3/11/12/13] variable: r_StencilBits DUMPTODISK type: int current: 8 help: variable: r_sunshafts type: int current: 1 help: Enables sun shafts. Usage: r_sunshafts [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable. variable: r_TerrainAO type: int current: 7 help: 7=Activate terrain AO deferred passes variable: r_TerrainAO_FadeDist type: int current: 8 help: Controls sky light fading in tree canopy in Z direction variable: r_TexAtlasSize type: int current: 1024 help: variable: r_TexBindMode type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_TexBumpHeightmap type: int current: 0 help: Allows to combine _DDN and _BUMP and _BUMP to _DDN on load conversion (processing adds to loading time and compression might be less) This is a legacy feature and should not be used Usage: r_TexBumpHeightmap [0/1] When 0 (default) the feature is deactivated, 1 enables it variable: r_TexBumpResolution DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Reduces texture resolution. Usage: r_TexBumpResolution [0/1/2 etc] When 0 (default) texture resolution is unaffected, 1 halves, 2 quarters etc. variable: r_TexGrid type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_TexHWMipsGeneration type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_TexLMResolution DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Reduces texture resolution. Usage: r_TexLMResolution [0/1/2 etc] When 0 (default) texture resolution is unaffected, 1 halves, 2 quarters etc. variable: r_TexLog type: int current: 0 help: Configures texture information logging. Usage: r_TexLog # where # represents: 0: Texture logging off 1: Texture information logged to screen 2: All loaded textures logged to 'UsedTextures.txt' 3: Missing textures logged to 'MissingTextures.txt variable: r_TexMaxAnisotropy REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD type: int current: 8 help: variable: r_TexMaxSize type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_TexMinSize type: int current: 64 help: variable: r_TexNoAniso DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_TexNoLoad type: int current: 0 help: Disables loading of textures. Usage: r_TexNoLoad [0/1] When 1 texture loading is disabled. variable: r_TexNormalMapType REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_TexPostponeLoading type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_TexResolution DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Reduces texture resolution. Usage: r_TexResolution [0/1/2 etc] When 0 (default) texture resolution is unaffected, 1 halves, 2 quarters etc. variable: r_TexSkyQuality type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_TexSkyResolution DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_Texture_Anisotropic_Level DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: variable: r_TextureCompressor DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Defines which texture compressor is used (fallback is DirectX) Usage: r_TextureCompressor [0/1] 0 uses nvDXT, 1 uses Squish if possible variable: r_TextureLodDistanceRatio type: float current: -1 help: Controls dynamic LOD system for textures used in materials. Usage: r_TextureLodDistanceRatio [-1, 0 and bigger] Default is -1 (completely off). Value 0 will set full LOD to all textures used in frame. Values bigger than 0 will activate texture LOD selection depending on distance to the objects. variable: r_TextureLodMaxLod type: int current: 1 help: Controls dynamic LOD system for textures used in materials. Usage: r_TextureLodMaxLod [1 or bigger] Default is 1 (playing between lod 0 and 1). Value 0 will set full LOD to all textures used in frame variable: r_TexturesFilteringQuality REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD type: int current: 0 help: Configures texture filtering adjusting. Usage: r_TexturesFilteringQuality [#] where # represents: 0: Highest quality 1: Medium quality 2: Low quality variable: r_TexturesMipBiasing type: int current: 0 help: (null) variable: r_TexturesStreaming REQUIRE_APP_RESTART type: int current: 0 help: Enables direct streaming of textures from disk during game. Usage: r_TexturesStreaming [0/1] Default is 0 (off). All textures save in native format with mips in a cache file. Textures are then loaded into texture memory from the cache. variable: r_TexturesStreamingMaxAsync type: float current: 0.25 help: variable: r_TexturesStreamingNoUpload type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_TexturesStreamingOnlyVideo type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_TexturesStreamingSync type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_TexturesStreamPoolSize type: int current: 128 help: variable: r_UseAlphaBlend type: int current: 1 help: Toggles alpha blended objects. Usage: r_UseAlphaBlend [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable all alpha blended object. variable: r_UseEdgeAA type: int current: 1 help: Toggles edge blurring/antialiasing Usage: r_UseEdgeAA [0/1/2] Default is 1 (edge blurring) 1 = activate edge blurring mode 2 = activate edge antialiasing mode (previous version) variable: r_UseGSParticles type: int current: 1 help: Toggles use of geometry shader particles (DX10 only, changing at runtime is supported).Usage: r_UseGSParticles [0/1=default] variable: r_UseHWSkinning type: int current: 1 help: Toggles HW skinning. Usage: r_UseHWSkinning [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable HW-skinning. variable: r_UseMaterialLayers type: int current: 2 help: Enables material layers rendering. Usage: r_UseMaterialLayers [0/1/2] Default is 2 (optimized). Set to 1 for enabling but with optimization disabled (for debug). variable: r_UseParticlesGlow type: int current: 1 help: Enables glow particles. Usage: CV_r_useparticles_glow [0/1] variable: r_UseParticlesRefraction type: int current: 1 help: Enables refractive particles. Usage: r_UseParticlesRefraction [0/1] variable: r_UsePOM type: int current: 1 help: Enables Parallax Occlusion Mapping. Usage: r_UsePOM [0/1] variable: r_UseShadowsPool type: int current: 0 help: 0=Disable 1=Enable Usage: r_UseShadowsPool[0/1] variable: r_UseSoftParticles type: int current: 1 help: Enables soft particles. Usage: r_UseSoftParticles [0/1] variable: r_UseZPass type: int current: 1 help: Toggles Z pass optimizations. Usage: r_UseZPass [0/1] Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable Z-pass. variable: r_ValidateDraw type: int current: 0 help: 0=disabled, 1=validate each DIP (meshes consistency, shaders, declarations, etc) variable: r_VarianceShadowMapBlurAmount DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: Activate shadow map blur. Usage: r_VarianceShadowMapBlurAmount [0=deactivate, >0 to specify blur amount (1=normal)] variable: r_VegetationSpritesAlphaBlend type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_VegetationSpritesGenAlways type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_VegetationSpritesNoBend type: int current: 2 help: variable: r_VegetationSpritesNoGen type: int current: 0 help: variable: r_VegetationSpritesTexRes type: int current: 64 help: variable: r_VSync DUMPTODISK, RESTRICTEDMODE type: int current: 0 help: Toggles vertical sync. Usage: r_VSync [0/1] variable: r_WaterCaustics type: int current: 1 help: Toggles under water caustics. Usage: r_WaterCaustics [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled). variable: r_WaterGodRays type: int current: 1 help: Enables under water god rays. Usage: r_WaterGodRays [0/1] Default is 1 (enabled). variable: r_WaterReflections DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Toggles water reflections. Usage: r_WaterReflections [0/1] Default is 1 (water reflects). variable: r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.05 help: Activates water reflections if visible pixels above a certain threshold. variable: r_WaterReflectionsMinVisUpdateDistanceMul DUMPTODISK type: float current: 10 help: Activates update distance multiplier when water mostly occluded. variable: r_WaterReflectionsMinVisUpdateFactorMul DUMPTODISK type: float current: 20 help: Activates update factor multiplier when water mostly occluded. variable: r_WaterReflectionsQuality DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Activates water reflections quality setting. Usage: r_WaterReflectionsQuality [0/1/2/3] Default is 0 (terrain only), 1 (terrain + particles), 2 (terrain + particles + brushes), 3 (everything) variable: r_WaterReflectionsUseMinOffset DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Activates water reflections use min distance offset. variable: r_WaterRefractions type: int current: 1 help: Toggles water refractions. Usage: r_WaterRefractions [0/1] Default is 1 (water refracts). variable: r_WaterUpdateDistance type: float current: 2 help: variable: r_WaterUpdateFactor DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.01 help: Distance factor for water reflected texture updating. Usage: r_WaterUpdateFactor 0.01 Default is 0.01. 0 means update every frame variable: r_Width DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1024 help: Sets the display width, in pixels. Default is 1024. Usage: r_Width [800/1024/..] variable: r_ZFightingDepthScale type: float current: 0.995 help: Controls anti z-fighting measures in shaders (scaling homogeneous z). variable: r_ZFightingExtrude type: float current: 0.001 help: Controls anti z-fighting measures in shaders (extrusion along normal in world units). variable: r_ZPassOnly type: int current: 0 help: variable: sv_AISystem REQUIRE_APP_RESTART type: int current: 1 help: Load and use the AI system on the server variable: sv_autoconfigurl type: string current: help: Automatically download configuration data from a URL variable: sv_bandwidth type: int current: 50000 help: Bit rate on server variable: sv_bind REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD type: string current: help: Bind the server to a specific IP address variable: sv_cheatprotection type: int current: 1 help: variable: sv_DedicatedCPUPercent type: float current: 0 help: Sets the target CPU usage when running as a dedicated server, or disable this feature if it's zero. Usage: sv_DedicatedCPUPercent [0..100] Default is 0 (disabled). variable: sv_DedicatedCPUVariance type: float current: 10 help: Sets how much the CPU can vary from sv_DedicateCPU (up or down) without adjusting the framerate. Usage: sv_DedicatedCPUVariance [5..50] Default is 10. variable: sv_DedicatedMaxRate type: float current: 30 help: Sets the maximum update rate when running as a dedicated server. Usage: sv_DedicatedMaxRate [5..500] Default is 50. variable: sv_gamerules type: string current: PowerStruggle help: The game rules that the server should use variable: sv_gs_report type: int current: 1 help: Enable Gamespy server reporting, this is necessary for NAT negotiation variable: sv_gs_trackstats type: int current: 1 help: Enable Gamespy stats tracking variable: sv_input_timeout type: int current: 0 help: Experimental timeout in ms to stop interpolating client inputs since last update. variable: sv_lanonly DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Set for LAN games variable: sv_levelrotation type: string current: levelrotation help: Sequence of levels to load after each game ends variable: sv_map type: string current: ps_port help: The map the server should load variable: sv_maxmemoryusage type: int current: 0 help: Maximum memory a dedicated server is allowed to use variable: sv_maxplayers DUMPTODISK type: int current: 32 help: Maximum number of players allowed to join server. variable: sv_maxspectators DUMPTODISK type: int current: 32 help: Maximum number of players allowed to be spectators during the game. variable: sv_pacifist type: int current: 0 help: Pacifist mode (only works on dedicated server) variable: sv_packetRate type: int current: 30 help: Packet rate on server variable: sv_password DUMPTODISK type: string current: help: Server password variable: sv_port DUMPTODISK type: int current: 64087 help: Server address variable: sv_ranked type: int current: 1 help: Enable statistics report, for official servers only. variable: sv_requireinputdevice DUMPTODISK, REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD type: string current: dontcare help: Which input devices to require at connection (dontcare, none, gamepad, keyboard) variable: sv_servername DUMPTODISK type: string current: help: Server name will be displayed in server list. If empty, machine name will be used. variable: sv_timeofdayenable DUMPTODISK type: int current: 1 help: Enables time of day simulation. variable: sv_timeofdaylength DUMPTODISK type: float current: 1 help: Sets time of day changing speed. variable: sv_timeofdaystart DUMPTODISK type: float current: 12 help: Sets time of day start time. variable: sv_timeout_disconnect type: int current: 0 help: Timeout for fully disconnecting timeout connections variable: sv_voice_enable_groups type: int current: 1 help: variable: sv_voicecodec REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD type: string current: speex help: variable: sv_voting_cooldown type: int current: 180 help: Voting cooldown variable: sv_voting_ratio type: float current: 0.51 help: Part of player's votes needed for successful vote. variable: sv_voting_team_ratio type: float current: 0.67 help: Part of team member's votes needed for successful vote. variable: sv_voting_timeout type: int current: 60 help: Voting timeout variable: sys_affinity type: int current: 0 help: variable: sys_AI type: int current: 1 help: Enables AI Update variable: sys_budget_frametime DUMPTODISK type: float current: 50 help: Sets the upper limit for frame time (in ms) when monitoring budget. variable: sys_budget_numdrawcalls DUMPTODISK type: int current: 2000 help: Sets the upper limit for number of draw calls per frame. variable: sys_budget_soundchannels DUMPTODISK type: int current: 64 help: Sets the upper limit for sound channels playing when monitoring budget. variable: sys_budget_soundmem DUMPTODISK type: int current: 128 help: Sets the upper limit for sound memory (in MB) when monitoring budget. variable: sys_budget_sysmem DUMPTODISK type: int current: 512 help: Sets the upper limit for system memory (in MB) when monitoring budget. variable: sys_budget_videomem DUMPTODISK type: int current: 256 help: Sets the upper limit for video memory (in MB) when monitoring budget. variable: sys_crashtest type: int current: 0 help: variable: sys_DeactivateConsole type: int current: 0 help: 0: normal console behavior 1: hide the console variable: sys_EarlyMovieUpdate type: int current: 0 help: 0 needed for game, 1 better for having artifact free movie playback Usage: sys_EarlyMovieUpdate [0/1] Default is 0 variable: sys_enable_budgetmonitoring type: int current: 0 help: Enables budget monitoring. Use #System.SetBudget( sysMemLimitInMB, videoMemLimitInMB, frameTimeLimitInMS, soundChannelsPlaying ) or sys_budget_sysmem, sys_budget_videomem or sys_budget_fps to set budget limits. variable: sys_entities type: int current: 1 help: Enables Entities Update variable: sys_firstlaunch type: int current: 0 help: Indicates that the game was run for the first time. variable: sys_flash type: int current: 1 help: Enables/disables execution of flash files. variable: sys_flash_curve_tess_error type: float current: 1 help: Controls curve tessellation. Larger values result in coarser, more angular curves. variable: sys_flash_edgeaa type: int current: 1 help: Enables/disables edge anti-aliased rendering of flash files. variable: sys_flash_info type: int current: 0 help: Enables flash profiling (1). Additionally sorts the list of flash files lexicographically (2, automatically resets to 1). variable: sys_flash_info_histo_scale type: float current: 1 help: Defines scaling of function histogram inside the flash profiler. variable: sys_flash_info_peak_exclude type: string current: help: Comma separated list of flash functions to excluded from peak history. variable: sys_flash_info_peak_tolerance type: float current: 5 help: Defines tolerance value for peaks (in ms) inside the flash profiler. variable: sys_flash_log_options type: int current: 0 help: Enables logging of several flash related aspects (add them to combine logging)... 1) Flash loading : 1 2) Flash actions script execution : 2 3) Flash related high-level calls inspected by the profiler into a file: 4 Please note that for (3) the following cvars apply: * sys_flash_info * sys_flash_info_peak_exclude variable: sys_flash_warning_level type: int current: 1 help: Sets verbosity level for CryEngine related warnings... 0) Omit warning 1) Log warning 2) Log warning and display message box variable: sys_float_exceptions type: int current: 0 help: Use or not use floating point exceptions. variable: sys_logallocations DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Save allocation call stack variable: sys_LowSpecPak type: int current: 0 help: use low resolution textures from special pak file or emulate if no such pak exists 0=don't use lowspec.pak (full texture quality) 1=use lowspec.pak (faster loading of textures, reduced texture quality) Usage: sys_LowSpecPak 0/1 variable: sys_max_step type: float current: 0.05 help: Specifies the maximum physics step in a separate thread variable: sys_memory_debug type: int current: 0 help: Enables to activate low memory situation is specific places in the code (argument defines which place), 0=off variable: sys_min_step type: float current: 0.01 help: Specifies the minimum physics step in a separate thread variable: sys_no_crash_dialog type: int current: 1 help: variable: sys_noupdate type: int current: 0 help: Toggles updating of system with sys_script_debugger. Usage: sys_noupdate [0/1] Default is 0 (system updates during debug). variable: sys_PakLogMissingFiles type: int current: 0 help: If non-0, missing file names go to mastercd/MissingFilesX.log. 1) only resulting report 2) run-time report is ON, one entry per file 3) full run-time report variable: sys_PakPriority READONLY type: int current: 1 help: If set to 1, tells CryPak to try to open the file in pak first, then go to file system variable: sys_PakReadSlice type: int current: 0 help: If non-0, means number of kilobytes to use to read files in portions. Should only be used on Win9x kernels variable: sys_physics type: int current: 1 help: Enables Physics Update variable: sys_physics_CPU type: int current: 1 help: Specifies the physical CPU index physics will run on variable: sys_preload type: int current: 0 help: Preload Game Resources variable: sys_root READONLY type: string current: help: variable: sys_SaveCVars type: int current: 0 help: 1 to activate saving of console variables, 0 to deactivate The variables are stored in 'system.cfg' on quit, only marked variables are saved (0) Usage: sys_SaveCVars [0/1] Default is 0 variable: sys_spec type: int current: 0 help: Tells the system cfg spec. (0=custom, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high, 4=veryhigh) variable: sys_spec_Full type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_Full [1/2/3/4/x]: ... sys_spec_GameEffects = 1/2/3/4/4 ... sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 1/2/3/4/4 ... sys_spec_Particles = 1/2/3/4/4 ... sys_spec_Physics = 1/2/3/4/4 ... sys_spec_PostProcessing = 1/2/3/4/4 ... sys_spec_Shading = 1/2/3/4/4 ... sys_spec_Shadows = 1/2/3/4/4 ... sys_spec_Sound = 1/2/3/4/4 ... sys_spec_Texture = 1/2/3/4/4 ... sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = 1/2/3/4/4 ... sys_spec_Water = 1/2/3/4/4 variable: sys_spec_GameEffects type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_GameEffects [1/2/3/4/x]: ... g_battleDust_enable = 0/0/0/1/1 ... g_ragdollDistance = 10.0/20.0/30.0/40.0/40.0 ... g_ragdollMinTime = 5.0/8.0/13.0/15.0/15.0 ... g_ragdollUnseenTime = 2/2/2/2/2 ... i_lighteffects = 0/0/1/1/1 variable: sys_spec_ObjectDetail type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_ObjectDetail [1/2/3/4/x]: ... ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 100/120/160/200/200 ... ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 0/1/1/1/1 ... ca_useDecals = 0/1/1/1/1 ... e_cbuffer_resolution = 128/128/256/256/256 ... e_decals_allow_game_decals = 0/1/1/1/1 ... e_decals_life_time_scale = 0.5/1/2/2/2 ... e_detail_materials_view_dist_xy = 64/2048/2048/2048/2048 ... e_detail_materials_view_dist_z = 64/128/128/128/128 ... e_dissolve = 0/0/1/1/1 ... e_lod_min = 2/1/0/0/0 ... e_lod_ratio = 3/4/6/6/6 ... e_lods = 1/1/1/1/1 ... e_max_view_dst_spec_lerp = 0/0.5/1/1/1 ... e_obj_quality = 1/2/3/4/4 ... e_proc_vegetation = 0/1/1/1/1 ... e_terrain_occlusion_culling_max_dist = 100/130/200/200/200 ... e_vegetation_bending = 1/2/2/2/2 ... e_vegetation_min_size = 1.0/0.5/0/0/0 ... e_vegetation_sprites_distance_custom_ratio_min = 0.5/0.75/1/1/1 ... e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = 1/1/1/1.5/1.5 ... e_view_dist_ratio = 40/60/60/60/60 ... e_view_dist_ratio_detail = 15/19/24/30/30 ... e_view_dist_ratio_vegetation = 15/21/31/45/45 ... es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 0.3/0.6/0.8/1/1 ... i_rejecteffects = 0/1/1/1/1 ... sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 8/4/2/2/2 variable: sys_spec_Particles type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_Particles [1/2/3/4/x]: ... e_particles_lod = 0.75/1/1/1/1 ... e_particles_max_emitter_draw_screen = 4/8/16/32/32 ... e_particles_object_collisions = 0/1/1/1/1 ... e_particles_quality = 1/2/3/4/4 ... e_water_ocean_soft_particles = 0/1/1/1/1 ... r_UseSoftParticles = 0/1/1/1/1 variable: sys_spec_Physics type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_Physics [1/2/3/4/x]: ... e_cull_veg_activation = 20/30/50/50/50 ... e_foliage_wind_activation_dist = 0/10/20/25/25 ... e_phys_foliage = 1/2/2/2/2 ... e_phys_ocean_cell = 0/1/0.5/0.5/0.5 ... es_MaxPhysDist = 50/100/200/200/200 ... es_MaxPhysDistInvisible = 10/15/25/25/25 ... g_breakage_particles_limit = 80/130/200/250/250 ... g_joint_breaking = 0/1/1/1/1 ... g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0.7/0.35/0/0/0 ... p_max_MC_iters = 4000/5000/6000/6000/6000 ... p_max_object_splashes = 3/3/3/3/3 ... p_max_substeps_large_group = 3/5/5/5/5 ... p_num_bodies_large_group = 30/100/100/100/100 ... p_splash_dist0 = 7/7/7/7/7 ... p_splash_dist1 = 30/30/30/30/30 ... p_splash_force0 = 10/10/10/10/10 ... p_splash_force1 = 100/100/100/100/100 ... p_splash_vel0 = 4.5/4.5/4.5/4.5/4.5 ... p_splash_vel1 = 10/10/10/10/10 ... v_vehicle_quality = 1/4/4/4/4 variable: sys_spec_PostProcessing type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_PostProcessing [1/2/3/4/x]: ... r_Coronas = 1/1/1/1/1 ... r_DepthOfField = 0/1/1/2/2 ... r_Flares = 1/1/1/1/1 ... r_GlowScreenMultiplier = 0.2/0.2/0.2/0.2/0.2 ... r_MotionBlur = 0/0/1/3/3 ... r_UseEdgeAA = 0/0/1/1/1 ... r_colorgrading = 0/1/0/1/1 ... r_sunshafts = 0/0/0/1/1 variable: sys_spec_Quality type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_Quality [1/2/3/4/x]: ... q_Renderer = 0/1/2/3/3 ... q_ShaderFX = 0/1/2/3/3 ... q_ShaderGeneral = 0/1/2/3/3 ... q_ShaderGlass = 0/1/2/3/3 ... q_ShaderHDR = 0/1/2/3/3 ... q_ShaderIce = 0/1/2/3/3 ... q_ShaderMetal = 0/1/2/3/3 ... q_ShaderPostProcess = 0/1/2/3/3 ... q_ShaderShadow = 0/1/2/3/3 ... q_ShaderSky = 0/1/2/3/3 ... q_ShaderTerrain = 0/1/2/3/3 ... q_ShaderVegetation = 0/1/2/3/3 ... r_LightsSinglePass = 1/0/0/0/0 variable: sys_spec_Shading type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_Shading [1/2/3/4/x]: ... e_max_entity_lights = 4/7/11/16/16 ... e_particles_lights = 0/0/1/1/1 ... e_ram_maps = 0/1/1/1/1 ... e_sky_type = 0/1/1/1/1 ... e_sky_update_rate = 0.12/0.5/1/1/1 ... e_terrain_ao = 0/0/1/1/1 ... e_terrain_normal_map = 0/0/1/1/1 ... e_vegetation_use_terrain_color = 0/1/1/1/1 ... r_DetailDistance = 0/4/8/8/8 ... r_DetailNumLayers = 0/1/1/2/2 ... r_DetailTextures = 0/1/1/1/1 ... r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = 0.1/0.075/0.05/0.05/0.05 ... r_FillLights = 0/0/14/14/14 ... r_HDRRendering = 0/0/2/2/2 ... r_HairSortingQuality = 0/0/1/1/1 ... r_SSAO = 0/0/1/1/1 ... r_SSAO_quality = 1/1/1/2/2 ... r_SSAO_radius = 1/1/1/2/2 ... r_TexturesFilteringQuality = 2/1/0/0/0 ... r_UsePom = 0/0/0/1/1 ... r_refraction = 1/1/1/1/1 ... sys_flash_edgeaa = 0/1/1/1/1 ... sys_spec_Quality = 1/2/3/4/4 variable: sys_spec_Shadows type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_Shadows [1/2/3/4/x]: ... e_gsm_cache = 1/1/1/0/0 ... e_gsm_lods_num = 3/4/5/5/5 ... e_gsm_range = 4/3/3/3/3 ... e_shadows = 0/1/1/1/1 ... e_shadows_cast_view_dist_ratio = 0.25/0.45/0.53/0.8/0.8 ... e_shadows_from_terrain_in_all_lods = 0/0/1/1/1 ... e_shadows_max_texture_size = 256/512/1024/1024/1024 ... e_shadows_on_alpha_blended = 0/0/1/1/1 ... r_ShadowBlur = 0/0/3/3/3 ... r_ShadowJittering = 0/1/1/2.5/2.5 ... r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 0/0/0/0/0 variable: sys_spec_Sound type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_Sound [1/2/3/4/x]: ... s_CacheSize = 50/60/70/80/80 ... s_FormatSampleRate = 44100/48000/48000/48000/48000 ... s_MPEGDecoders = 16/24/32/32/32 ... s_Obstruction = 2/2/1/1/1 ... s_ObstructionAccuracy = 0/1/1/1/1 ... s_ObstructionUpdate = 1.0/0.5/0.2/0.1/0.1 ... s_ReverbType = 0/2/2/2/2 ... s_SoundMoodsDSP = 0/1/1/1/1 ... s_VariationLimiter = 0.3/0.6/1.0/1.0/1.0 variable: sys_spec_Texture type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_Texture [1/2/3/4/x]: ... r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 24/24/32/32/32 ... r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 16/16/24/32/32 ... r_DynTexMaxSize = 50/60/80/80/80 ... r_EnvCMResolution = 0/1/2/2/2 ... r_EnvTexResolution = 1/2/3/3/3 ... r_ImposterRatio = 2/1.5/1/1/1 ... r_TexAtlasSize = 512/1024/1024/2048/2048 ... r_TexSkyResolution = 1/0/0/0/0 ... r_TexturesStreaming = 0/0/2/2/2 ... r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 64/64/64/64/64 ... sys_LowSpecPak = 1/1/0/0/0 variable: sys_spec_VolumetricEffects type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_VolumetricEffects [1/2/3/4/x]: ... e_Clouds = 0/1/1/1/1 ... r_Beams = 4/3/3/3/3 ... r_BeamsDistFactor = 1/0.5/0.5/0.05/0.05 ... r_BeamsMaxSlices = 16/32/64/200/200 ... r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 0/0/0/0/0 variable: sys_spec_Water type: int current: 4 help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables sys_spec_Water [1/2/3/4/x]: ... e_water_ocean_fft = 0/0/0/1/1 ... e_water_tesselation_amount = 1/6/7/10/10 ... e_water_tesselation_swath_width = 5/10/10/10/10 ... q_ShaderWater = 0/1/2/2/2 ... r_WaterCaustics = 0/1/1/1/1 ... r_WaterReflections = 1/1/1/1/1 ... r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = 0.05/0.05/0.05/0.05/0.05 ... r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 0/1/2/4/4 ... r_WaterRefractions = 0/0/1/1/1 ... r_WaterUpdateDistance = 0.2/1/1/0.2/0.2 ... r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0.5/0.1/0.05/0.05/0.05 variable: sys_SSInfo type: int current: 0 help: Show SourceSafe information (Name,Comment,Date) for file errors.Usage: sys_SSInfo [0/1] Default is 0 (off). variable: sys_StreamCallbackTimeBudget type: int current: 50000 help: Time budget, in microseconds, to be spent every frame in StreamEngine callbacks. Additive with cap: if more time is spent, the next frame gets less budget, and there's never more than this value per frame. variable: sys_streaming_sleep type: int current: 0 help: variable: sys_trackview type: int current: 1 help: Enables TrackView Update variable: sys_vtune type: int current: 0 help: variable: sys_warnings type: int current: 0 help: Toggles printing system warnings. Usage: sys_warnings [0/1] Default is 0 (off). variable: sys_WER type: int current: 1 help: Enables Windows Error Reporting variable: time_scale type: float current: 1 help: Game time scaled by this - for variable slow motion variable: tracer_max_count type: int current: 32 help: Max number of active tracers. variable: tracer_max_distance type: float current: 50 help: Distance at which to stop scaling/lengthening tracers. variable: tracer_max_scale type: float current: 5 help: Scale at max distance. variable: tracer_min_distance type: float current: 4 help: Distance at which to start scaling/lengthening tracers. variable: tracer_min_scale type: float current: 0.5 help: Scale at min distance. variable: tracer_player_radiusSqr type: float current: 400 help: Sqr Distance around player at which to start decelerate/acelerate tracer speed. variable: v_altitudeLimit type: float current: 600 help: Used to restrict the helicopter and VTOL movement from going higher than a set altitude. If set to zero, the altitude limit is disabled. variable: v_altitudeLimitLowerOffset type: float current: 0.1 help: Used in conjunction with v_altitudeLimit to set the zone when gaining altitude start to be more difficult. variable: v_autoDisable type: int current: 1 help: Enables/disables vehicle autodisabling variable: v_damage type: int current: 1 help: Enables/disables vehicle damage processing variable: v_debugCollisionDamage type: int current: 0 help: Enable debug output for vehicle collisions variable: v_debugdraw DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Displays vehicle status info on HUD Values: 1: common stuff 2: vehicle particles 3: parts 4: views 6: parts + partIds 7: parts + transformations and bboxes 8: component damage 10: vehicle editor variable: v_debugMountedWeapon type: int current: 0 help: Enable/disable vehicle mounted weapon camera debug draw variable: v_debugSounds type: int current: 0 help: Enable/disable vehicle sound debug drawing variable: v_debugVehicle type: string current: help: Vehicle entity name to use for debugging output variable: v_debugView DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Activate a 360 degree rotating third person camera instead of the camera usually available on the vehicle class variable: v_deformable type: int current: 0 help: Enables/disables DeformMorph calls on vehicle parts variable: v_disable_hull type: int current: 0 help: Disable hull proxies variable: v_draw_components DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enables/disables display of components and their damage count variable: v_draw_helpers type: int current: 0 help: Enables/disables display of vehicle helpers variable: v_draw_passengers type: int current: 0 help: draw passenger TMs set by VehicleSeat variable: v_draw_seats type: int current: 0 help: Enables/disables display of seat positions variable: v_draw_slip DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Draw wheel slip status variable: v_draw_suspension DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Enables/disables display of wheel suspension, for the vehicle that has v_profileMovement enabled variable: v_draw_tm type: int current: 0 help: Enables/disables drawing of local part matrices variable: v_driverControlledMountedGuns type: int current: 1 help: Specifies if the driver can control the vehicles mounted gun when driving without gunner. variable: v_dumpFriction type: int current: 0 help: Dump vehicle friction status variable: v_enable_lumberjacks type: int current: 0 help: Enable/disable physicalization of lumberjack parts variable: v_enterDirRadius type: float current: 7 help: Maximum direction radius tolerated to enter with transition animation (AI only) variable: v_goliathMode type: int current: 0 help: Makes all vehicles invincible variable: v_help_tank_steering type: int current: 0 help: Enable tank steering help for AI variable: v_independentMountedGuns type: int current: 1 help: Whether mounted gunners operate their turret independently from the parent vehicle variable: v_invertPitchControl DUMPTODISK type: int current: 0 help: Invert the pitch control for driving some vehicles, including the helicopter and the vtol variable: v_lights type: int current: 2 help: Controls vehicle lights. 0: disable all lights, 1: disable all dynamic lights, 2: enable dynamic lights only for local player, 3: enable all lights variable: v_lights_enable_always type: int current: 0 help: Vehicle lights are always on (debugging) variable: v_maxHeightBegin type: float current: 0 help: Indicate the beginning of the max height zone (0 means that this feature is disabled) variable: v_maxHeightEnd type: float current: 0 help: Indicate the end of the max height zone (0 means that this feature is disabled) variable: v_pa_surface type: int current: 1 help: Enables/disables vehicle surface particles variable: v_profileMovement type: int current: 0 help: Used to enable profiling of the current vehicle movement (1 to enable) variable: v_ragdollPassengers type: int current: 0 help: Forces vehicle passenger to detach and ragdoll when they die inside of a vehicle variable: v_rockBoats type: int current: 1 help: Enable/disable boats idle rocking variable: v_set_passenger_tm type: int current: 1 help: enable/disable passenger entity tm update variable: v_show_all type: int current: 0 help: variable: v_slipFrictionModFront type: float current: 0 help: if non-zero, used as slip friction modifier (front wheels) variable: v_slipFrictionModRear type: float current: 0 help: if non-zero, used as slip friction modifier (rear wheels) variable: v_slipSlopeFront type: float current: 0 help: coefficient for slip friction slope calculation (front wheels) variable: v_slipSlopeRear type: float current: 0 help: coefficient for slip friction slope calculation (rear wheels) variable: v_sprintSpeed type: float current: 0 help: Set speed for acceleration measuring variable: v_stabilizeVTOL DUMPTODISK type: float current: 0.35 help: Specifies if the air movements should automatically stabilize variable: v_transitionAnimations type: int current: 1 help: Enables enter/exit transition animations for vehicles variable: v_treadUpdateTime type: float current: 0 help: delta time for tread UV update, 0 means always update variable: v_vehicle_quality type: int current: 4 help: Geometry/Physics quality (1-lowspec, 4-highspec) variable: v_wind_minspeed type: float current: 0 help: If non-zero, vehicle wind areas always set wind >= specified value