
Welcome to the about page , to be honest when visiting a site i believe you should be able to see what its about when visiting the main home page. On the other hand nearly every site has an about page, so this page will be about Re : Discussed

Firstly, rediscussed.com was born on 12/09/2007, so at the time of writing this it is fairly new.

What would you expect to see on the site? Undecided

We are planning to release software, some small games, talk and write about things of the past present and future, because we believe a lot of things aren’t given enough attention to in the first place. Mainly reviewing games and giving ratings, we’ll probably blog anything if we feel like it though, sometimes theres just things that have to be said, we hope to also hold competitions and a lot more community stuff in the future, once we start to get some regulars.

Contacting us, you can send an email to [email protected] we will reply as soon as we can, please be patient as we can be busy at times.

Well theres a short overview of what you can be expecting. Enjoy your stay! Cool

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