High Ping, Network Packet Loss Fix
Have you been getting an unexplained high ping during online games?
If a speed test comes out reasonably fine there could be another reason other than your actual internet connection.
Recently I was getting a very high ping in one of my favorite games, League of Legends. All that happened is that I done a hard reset on my PC once and then after I was experiencing packet loss.
For this reason I knew it couldn’t have been my router or internet connection. To test your connection for packet loss from your PC to the router.
Do the following:
- Either create a batch file name it what you like e.g (run.bat) open this up with a text editor(notepad), or run command prompt and type the following.
ping “routerip” -n 100 -l 128
- Put your router IP address where the words routerip are and remove the quotation marks.
You should see your computer attempting to run pings to your router. using 128 bytes of data over 100 times. This will give you an indication of when your ping gets high. Experiment with this and see if you get packet loss when running this alone. Also try it when browsing or running a speed test and watch of any changes. If the result of the test ends in there being packets lost then there is a communication problem between your computer and your router.
If you do not get packet loss or high ping to your router then this is not your problem.
To fix this problem I went and downloaded the drivers for my network devices (a usb wifi and MoBo onboard lan). Also all the chipset drivers / lan / usb for my MoBo.
First removing(uninstalling) ALL of the network devices under device manager.
Then removing all the USB drivers under Universal Serial Bus, whilst losing the function of my keyboard and mouse. You could use a PS2 mouse or remote in to do this.

Then installing the downloaded drivers.
It was in fact my USB drivers that had corrupted and nothing to do with network drivers!